A Sacred Race Community, With Or Without The State
Post by Wayland Smith
Any faith that believes in rejecting the world, including the blood of the race, must ultimately serve the subversion of the blood. Jews covenant with god is consecrated in the blood of Abraham; it’s racial and generational. The racial pact with YHWH is broken in Christianity, to make the jewish god into “everyone’s god” (Luther famously debated the jews on this, and those letters became the book “The Jews and Their Lies”).
The Abrahamic blood covenant is the one advantage jews have over any other race, because it makes their race, religion, and language into one unified whole. No matter what local language jews speak, they all go to hebrew school to learn the same language of their race, presided over and guaranteed “final victory” by the same god. This gives them Volksgemeinschaft , as disgusting as that sounds, something the rest of us still lack – something Christianity shockingly stands against. Christianity will never prioritize “a community strong in race”, because that usurps the evangelical priority of “a community strong in faith”.
Christians can’t be picky about anything except acceptance of Christ and maintaining church authority. This jealousy intrinsic to Christianity was an obstacle to achieving Volksgemeinschaft in Hitler’s time. Our race still needs to forge this capacity to fight on equal terms with the enemy across generations.
If we can achieve Volksgemeinschaft through renewal of our pagan spirituality (or any similar philosophy that emerges in our circles) it’s worth it. The only thing that will carry our people beyond a generation or two of political insurgency is a Religion of the Volk, one where blood is sacred.
Politics is not a vehicle capable of generational warfare; the power of politics is a liberal conceit we are all programmed with, being born in the age of liberal institutions. Politics is fickle. Political power is promoted as the only rational solution precisely because it weakens and defeats the people in the long run.
The goal of liberal government is to herd, pacify, coopt, and extract conformity. Politics in this age won’t provide advantage in racial war, only distraction, cooptation, and lost resources. Liberal institutions are a trap. There is no rule of law, no high-trust, honor-based society and so nothing you fight to achieve at the polls with ever be substantial. We live under post-white social norms; just because the society is accused of being “white dominant” doesn’t mean it serves white racial interests.
Liberal-democratic capitalism is intrinsically anti-race, and at present, emphatically anti-white. It might even prove to be anti-human and anti-organic life in the coming century, as it tries to achieve fully-automated luxury communism, mass sterilization, adding nature to the stock market, and so on. It has become a secular death cult, coincidentally, much like the Christianity that birthed it aims for the end of the world, nations, and all living things…
The NSDAP was supposed to become a vehicle for the rebirth of pagan society – to consecrate sacred unity between society, state, blood and land. This task must be completed, with or without a state dedicated to that goal. We need to weld racial preservation to spiritual beliefs that go beyond generations, beyond regional culture, beyond political ages. Religion outlasts the turning of politics. It’s why jews can be an urban nomadic people for thousands of years while other peoples come and go. Jews can always speak of a “nation” no matter where they migrate, because their nation is a blood-covenant, ie, a sacred race.
Anyone with Aryan heritage also comes from nomadic people; for Aryan influence to span the globe it had to be nomadic, but it spread via conquest rather than infecting urban society as merchant priests, ie, the preferred jewish method of conquest. All the elements of Aryan spirituality permeate the successor religions of Europe, just as many PIE concepts permeate PIE languages. Despite it’s origin as a jews-only cult, Christianity always relented to Aryan spirituality, because Aryan spirituality is embedded in our racial blood.
Just remembering that spirituality and it’s origins makes us more like ancient pagans, who were aware their beliefs travelled time through the blood and souls of the people, while institutions of church and state rose and fell. Christians are threatened by the racial foundation of Aryan spirit, not just because they need institutional dominance to survive, but for embarrassing personal reasons.
Xtians believe everyone before Christ was a depraved degenerate like those wiped out during the flood. They cling to Christianity out of fear that YHWH is the only thing keeping them from being sodomite baby-eaters. In other words, who they truly are behind their kneeling and praising the jewish deity are sodomites and baby eaters – the kind of xtians found in LGBTQ+ Episcopal churches.
Europids were greater morally and spiritually before judaism for gentiles spread it’s blight. Christianity chains us to the failed state at the end of the Roman empire, the petty ecclesiarch bureaucracy NPCs thrive under. We’re still living in the wake of Rome’s collapse, with jews as the final Optimate aristocracy.
Christians mock the idea that a pagan identity is a valid means of strengthening our race. It’s valid if we insist, and insist in the extreme. Demand a price from those who disrespect it, especially from closet degenerates who think the jewish god keeps them from touching kids and sneaking out to gay bath houses.
I don’t entirely agree with the following quote, but I endorse his view of Christianity. The church is an acid destroying the blood of our race, while insulating the blood of the jews; Christianity, like liberalism, is race treason and white genocide.

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