Do Not Be Caught Without This Symbol Upon You
Take this four armed symbol, this Fylfot, and display it so that the Shining Ones may see you as one who obeys US and respects US.
And, if evil-doers persecute you for bearing Our symbol, they prove thereby that they are enemies of both God and believers and they must not be tolerated.
Woe be to them who do this. We do not forget and We do not let wrongs go unpunished.
If the haters demand that you not wear this sacred symbol on rings or clothes or pendants or bracelets or display it in all place, do not do as they wish. Holy are those who bear this symbol on their flesh so that all may see and know them as holy and obedient to Us. Our symbol is essential to this faith We have given to you and it shall be ever so. You cannot pray of please Us, unless you display Our symbol. And, they evil-doers will come to the people and they will try to trick the people into not displaying Our sacred symbol and failing that, they will try to force people not to display Our symbol. Do not let the evil-doers keep you from Our symbol and do not be so arrogant as to think you may compromise in Our name over Our symbol so that you will not offend others. Believers who say they believe, but who refuse to display Our symbol out of fear for other reasons, are not true believers.
You who display our symbols and fight against the evil-doers will be known as righteous and We will protect you all the days of your life. Gaze upon Our symbol in times of stress and weakness and it shall give you strength. Do not be caught without this symbol upon you.
When We gaze over the worlds of man and when We send our Shining Ones to destroy the evil-doers, We shall look for Our symbol. Do not be where this symbol is not to be seen. Put it upon your homes and your bodies and you vehicles so that you shall be spared.
Who would deny you this symbol, would harm Our people. Holy are believers who avenge all wrongs against us to the tenth degree. The Fylfot is Our sacred symbol in motion and is the active representation of our Sacred Spiral. Where it is, We are. From its center comes all and goes all.
The people of the blood who do not yet believe, watch the early believers with a mixture of curiosity and foreboding as they watch a man dangling from a bridge. ‘Will he fall?’ They say. ‘Surely he can’t survive.’ But when the man falls, he is not harmed if he believes in Us. For we will cushion his fall if he is of pure heart and has followed what We have told him to follow.
-excerpted from “Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion” by H. Millard
I have a Zierscheibe, which is like a “Black Sun” symbol from the bronze age but with the sacred Fylfot Swastika in the middle. I agree, it’s OUR ETHNIC SPIRITUAL SYMBOL, no jEW should be allowed to tell us it’s forbidden.
“All great things must first wear terrifying & monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity” Fred
You can make your own Swastika from a British 2pence.
1) Grind it flat on both sides with emery cloth on a flat surface.
2) Cover in masking tape
3) Mark off a square
4) Remove waste with a fine hacksaw
5) Smooth off edges with emery till perfectly square & even
6) Replace masking tape & mark off the 4 cuts needed to create the Swastika.
7) Drill a hole for hanging
8) Remove masking tape & smooth off/polish
9) Add chain etc…
10) Enjoy
Take this four armed symbol, this Fylfot, and display it so that the Shining Ones may see you as one who obeys US and respects US. ??
Who is Us?
No Borg’s in a hive “Us”!
We do not bend our knee in supplication to the gods & goddesses. Nor do we beg them to do for us rather, we ask them to empower us to do for ourselves we neither need nor ask for our gods forgiveness, we were not born into sin, we were born to be the best that we can be…
I will not supplicate or prostrate my self as a slave, surf, or borg, to any “Us”!!
this “religion of the global sun king ” is very , well, very J … sorry but I don’t buy the bullshit divine right to rule and have dominion to enslave even your own kinfolk! See No Borg above… always maintain energetic sovereignty over your own personal being… DO NOT GIVE IT TO ANY ENTITY!
religion of the sun—> https://limitedhangout.wtf/transhumanism/