National Socialism Is Modern Aryan Tribalism
Essay by Jost Turner
For me and all true National Socialists there is but one doctrine: Folk and Fatherland.
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and Folk, the sustenance of our children, and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland, so that our Folk may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe.
Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view, and used or rejected according to its utility. Then no theory will stiffen into a dead doctrine, since it is life alone that all things must serve.
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Volume 1, chapter 8
The preceding quotation clearly shows that the most important concept and the emphasis of the National Socialist Movement should be on Folk. It shows us clearly that every decision, every action should be based on the answer to one question: is it good for the Folk?
A Folk is of common heritage, common blood, common values, and common ideals. While a Folk must necessarily be of one race, it is not necessarily all of that race. There can be several different Folk, all of common race.
Today, most of the White Race have heritage and blood in common with us, but their values and ideals—if any at all—are alien to us, deadly to us! They are not our Folk, and there is really very little that we can do to convince them to become Folk.
But that doesn’t stop us from our task. Today, true National Socialists are a Folk of their own, a Hitler Folk! A National Socialist Folk is growing within the great degenerating mass of selfish white materialists.
National Socialism is simply modern-day Aryan tribalism. It is a living, growing, evolving, way of life. As such, it must necessarily change its tasks and priorities with the ever changing times. Before 1945, our Folk was substantial in number, so a free and independent Fatherland was certainly a priority. Today our Folk is few in number, and scattered around the world. There is little need for us to worry about a Fatherland, old or new. Today we need to concentrate our efforts on building our Folk. As such, our number one priority must be the protection and education of our children! For unless our Folk has control over the development and education of our own children, both Folk and Race are doomed to quick extinction.
National Socialist families need to form their own communities, in suitable areas where they can preserve and develop our values and ideals, and take control of the development and education of our children — the future of our Folk!
Today, it is urgent for National Socialists throughout the world to focus their attention on, and begin putting all their efforts into, our most desperate need: building our Folk! As our Folk grows, so grows the power and spirit of Adolf Hitler. Where the Folk is Hitler is!
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Right is always Right,
Left can never be Right
The issue is that “we” are a patchwork of different folks. We should all ‘dig our roots,’ as Lana Lokteff implores us to do, and focus inwards on our own. NS totally supports this. The problem arises in the corner cases—such as currently in UA—where “purity-spiraling” creates vehement hostilities.
It’s difficult to exactly describe who is part and parcel of one’s folk, but it is easy to describe who is most certainly not. If we are to be successful, I think we should always focus on the latter and not the former.
What’s your perspective on Cosmotheism? I know y’all work with natal and post on national vanguard. I quite like Cosmotheism and bought their book.