National Socialism Is Higher Idealism
Essay by Jost Turner
The basis of the great economic and social miracle of National Socialist Germany cannot really be attributed to a pre-designed political program, getting off the international banking system, or an iron-clad command economy. Over the years these and a number of other reasons have been cited, and many certainly contributed to this amazing historical event. But the one ingredient least understood, and yet by far the most responsible for the success of every National Socialist program, even including the miraculous near-success in a war against the most insurmountable odds, was higher idealism.
It was this higher idealism to which the writers and thinkers of National Socialist Germany referred when they termed National Socialism a revolution in thought. They freely told all who would listen just how they solved their overwhelming problems of massive unemployment, critically high crime rates, collapsed economic and social welfare systems, and their alien-controlled educational system. Nothing was solved by pumping more inflated money into it. Nothing was solved by passing more unenforceable laws. Nothing was solved by creating still more purposeless bureaucracies. Nothing was solved by building more prisons, restricting personal freedoms, or controlling firearms! No, the miracle of National Socialist Germany was accomplished with incredible speed by simply changing the way the people were thinking. This change in thinking was higher idealism!
Today, many things are considered idealism. Activity to preserve the many endangered species of plants and animals is rightfully considered idealism. Scientific research for the cure of disease is considered idealism — although there are some good arguments against it when considering its effect on world population growth. There are scores of humanitarian activities, many truly beneficial, and some highly detrimental, which are rightly or wrongly considered idealism. But all of these are merely a substitution for the higher idealism referred to in National Socialism.
Higher idealism within all mankind is an eternal law of nature. Without it, the ancient tribes from which modern mankind has come could never have been, and hence, we would not exist today. This higher idealism is inherent in all mankind, when mankind is in its proper environment in the realm of nature: the tribe.
We can see this higher idealism in some individuals during times of great need such as battle or disaster. We call it heroism, and we marvel at those few who exhibit it. However, it is really natural within us all. This higher idealism of nature is the very same higher idealism of National Socialism. It is simply a different way of thinking, a tribal way of thinking. The individual places the welfare of the community (tribe or Folk) far ahead of any conflicting personal interests or desires.
In Aryan man, this natural higher idealism was subverted a thousand years ago during the forced conversion to an alien, mid-eastern religion. In order to effectively rule, the alien Christian church had to destroy our ancestor’s tribal bonds. Their natural idealism and their natural purpose in life were forcibly replaced by superstitious service to an alien institution with the promise of other worldly fulfillment and joy — after death! The alien mid- eastern philosophy of service in exchange for personal, individual salvation has led us to the modern, perverted notions of “individual sovereignty”, which have fostered corporate capitalism, liberal democracy, and the growing racial, social, economic, and environmental chaos which we have today.
But on January 30, 1933, the process of Aryan degeneration was stopped. In National Socialist Germany, an Aryan Folk began to change their thinking, moving away from selfishness and materialism, back to their natural mental processes of higher idealism. It was this higher idealism which allowed an industrialized nation, paralyzed by economic, social, and political chaos to become the most amazing miracle in history.
But it could have never been without Adolf Hitler.
The German people didn’t all suddenly decide to change their thinking. No political convention decided that the Germans would suddenly revert to their natural higher idealism. No, this revolution in thought was inspired by the greatest Aryan personality of all times: Adolf Hitler.
There were others who, like Adolf Hitler, understood the necessity of racial homogeneity for a people to prosper and evolve. There were certainly many others who understood the danger of international finance and its private army of international Jewry. But few, other than Adolf Hitler, really understood the importance of personality, and the necessity of higher idealism. And only Adolf Hitler had the will, the selflessness, and the dynamic personality to inspire an Aryan Folk to their natural higher idealism! With this, he gave them a sense of belonging which had been sorely missing for a thousand years, and he gave them back their natural purpose in life! It was the personality of Adolf Hitler which inspired the German people to once again become an Aryan Folk.
Adolf Hitler and the miracle of National Socialist Germany were destroyed by the forces of greed, selfishness, and materialism. The victory of these dark forces is the racial, social, economic and environmental chaos which is here today. The victory of these dark forces has only proved beyond doubt that Adolf Hitler was right!
National Socialism has already proved that it could solve today’s chaos, and the growing degeneration of the Aryan nations. This revolution in thought stands today, for all who dare to look, as the only salvation of our dying Aryan race.
And how might Aryan today be inspired to higher idealism? We National Socialists know that Adolf Hitler inspires us to higher idealism as much today as he did during those golden years in the heart of our Aryan homelands. Today, we National Socialists are a league of human hearts, a growing Aryan brotherhood around the world, bonded by blood, higher idealism, and the inspiration of Adolf Hitler.
This higher idealism, which flows freely from our heart’s natural love, the heavenly gift of nature, is the very definition of a National Socialist. It is not racial awareness or professed beliefs which make one a National Socialist. It is not eloquent words or esoteric historical knowledge which make one a National Socialist. It is not flamboyant donations, daring activism, or even organizational longevity which make one a National Socialist. No, the true National Socialist, like Adolf Hitler himself, can only be identified by the higher idealism which comes from the sincere love of our Aryan Folk.
Each day, more and more Aryans are turning away from the evils of selfishness and materialism. Each day, more and more Aryans are realizing that Adolf Hitler was right. As the racial catastrophe continues to grow, more and more Aryans will be inspired by the personality of Adolf Hitler, and one day we may see a number of miracles throughout our Aryan homelands.
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