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Guest Post: A Brief Argument for the Right’s Decoupling From Christianity

This is a guest post from an itinerant American dissident named Gator. In it, he draws a parallel between the potential American Polytheist bloc and what we at Volkish deem the incipient BC Futurist movement. What are the prospects for Making America Heathen Again? Let’s find out! – Jake Raymond
As we dawn on the second decade of the new millennium it is important to reflect on the very unstable, and frankly, dim position the Western and especially American right wing finds itself in. The left has been utterly victorious on every front, from interracial and homosexual marriage to the deconstruction of our race and nation to the point that so many lemmings deny that we even exist as a people. Our culture has been Africanized in a way that not even Madison Grant or Dr. William Luther Pierce could envision, with any slight victories that the right wing (henceforth referred to as “RW”) being utterly squandered or of so little importance that they might as well have not been fought at all.
What is the cause of this? Why is the American right so utterly stuck and pathetic while our counterparts in Europe and especially Ukraine have utterly surpassed us in every way? There are several explanations of course, the near Sky Net like and dystopian power “our” security apparatus has, being one of them. I propose that we must discuss one of arguably GREATER importance as this one is a part of the very soul of the RW, Christianity. Think about it. While the left was pushing its subversive ideas through every fabric of our culture what was the RW doing? Why weren’t they having Congressional hearings about these subversive elements or the NGOs that serve these Marxist causes from the shadows, they were going after Heavy Metal. While the left was planting the seeds that would eventually sprout into children being exposed to perverts at drag-shows and the very fundamental law of human sex being destroyed they instead wasted countless hours and political capital marching to protect the unborn of the people who HATED them. What’s more Christianity has stopped pretending to even care about the issues and interests of White people (arguably it has stopped since the 60ss when the priests marched with MLK) and now works AGAINST US. Catholic NGOs flood our country with the masses of the Third World, the giant Evangelical Churches a la Osteen spit in the face our of youth and elderly and Appalachia and help Africans instead of their own family, and hell when the left attacks the RW they do it from Christian Morality. Just recently the Lutheran Church even excommunicated several pastors and faith leaders because Antifa demanded so and they went right along with it!
Before I continue this article let’s take the time to really ponder what a Heathen alternative would look like in practice. Enter Kurt Yeager and he is running for Congress out of flyover America, let’s say the rural Pacific Northwest or maybe somewhere even in East Tennessee. He served in the military, has a family and maybe even a small business of some kind and arguably most importantly, he is solidly right wing maybe even slightly more than your typical MAGA Republican ala Marjorie Taylor Greene. He is probably the most truly American person you could ever imagine, except that he is a practicing Asatruar. He isn’t a radical Volkish Pagan vis-à-vis Himmler but still Pagan nonetheless. What would the reaction to such a person be like? Well Patriotic White Americans would certainly back him. If they even pretended to slightly care about his religious proclivities they would certainly hold their collective tongues as they would realize that he was the best man to advance their issues in the form of gun rights, economic grievances, and frankly to finally force SOMEONE in the viper’s nest of Washington D.C. to listen to the anger and demands of the dispossessed silent majority. I’m quite sure that you the reader would much prefer this person to someone like JD Vance who everyone must admit was not that great of a candidate to begin with. Now who would oppose this candidate? To put it quite simply almost the entirety of our enemies! The liberal protestants would hate him on a surface level for being at least ostensibly anti Christian, while behind closed doors lamenting the mere thought of a new nationalistic religion arising that could end theirs. The Catholics would have a very similar reaction adding to it the aspect that the “Universal Church” can not get him to betray his principles due to a faith shared with an outlander. More typical anti-Whites would hate the idea of White people adopting an ethnocentric religion that promotes our culture and values which are fundamentally at odds with the current spirit of the age, that being equality for equality’s sake and the higher submitting to the lower. The Jews would be very alarmed at this as well, fundamentally because while Christians only have issues with them on a purely religious level, Paganss make it an ethnic one and have an issue with them as an entire people. To sum that idea up we can quote Alex Linder,” if you anoint holy water on a rat the rat doesn’t turn into a dove, it just becomes a rat that has a wet forehead!”
Now with this hypothetical in mind let’s face it: Christianity has failed us and we must cast it aside for something new, and no your Christian “Nationalism” is not new and definitely will not help us. Evangelicals dominated the Republican Party since the eighties and even essentially ran the country under Bush Jr. and it did nothing to prevent the current rot and decay we find ourselves in today. What am I getting at here? So many in the RW rightfully say that we need a completely new set of ideas and values in order to regain control of our destinies and finally killing off the religion that is strangling us is chief among them! Imagine if instead of weak elderly Christians trying to fight the left we had young cunning Pagan, or at the very least irreligious men, leading us. The left would not know how to react! The cornerstone of their rhetoric is that the RW has a Christian morality, if Pagan types reintroduced segregation, mass deportations of illegal immigrants, or even sending a new government agency after our opponents and told them that we hate the weak and that Might Makes Right they couldn’t win that argument. While they are still on the Christian plantation we would have ascended to a higher level of understanding.
I will end things here as I have made my point and I am not trying to convert any die hard or dedicated Christians, only those who are on the fence spiritually and more importantly can think for themselves. I will lead you with one more thought essentially summing up my view on the subject, it is IMPERATIVE that the first Pagan who is elected to a major office be a “right winger” so that we can plant the seed of lifting the spiritual veil this religion has over our people. If the left beats us there I fear that forever more we will be stuck in the Ouroboros of the religious right, and that is a fate paramount to a final failure and death.
If you want a true breakdown of the ills of the religion in a more sophisticated way than this author is capable of laying out for you in writing I urge you to check out William Gayley Simpson’s Which Way Western Man?, Alfred Rosenberg’s Myth of the 20th Century, Nietzche’s Anti Christ, any of Revilo Oliver’s writings on the subject, and a Real Case Against the Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage. From there I trust any readers who have read this piece will have the agency and intelligence to be able to seek out more information on this matter.
Christian moralism is universal brotherhood. Now some folks could cherry pick some points though the vast majority of the bible is far more bureaucratic than spiritual, speaking of commandments/legalities. The pRegressive Woke Zealots of the modern Cultural Marxist Left and RINO right try to say, “Oh we have the moral high ground look at us virtue signalling.” Some folks could say the modern Puritans/modern inquisition are the Stooges of ZOG/the Left/RINO’s/Shabbos Goy ZOGbots.
The chopping down of Donnars Oak in Hesse Germany by Saint Boniface and Karl/Charlemagne the Butcher of the Pagan Saxons were assaults on the heart of Europe. For countless millennia Europe and really the whole world had various forms of paganism, polytheism, animism, etc. What Monotheism does is create a limitation on free expression. Heretics/unbelievers were shunned passively through bureaucracy and later openly attacked. Europe became secularized, because of the Catholic Church specifically though Christianity in general having created a monopoly on knowledge/enlightenment via a “Correct” interpretation.
Really all Abrahamic religions belong in the Desert lands and NOT in Europe. Individuality is best formed via Polytheism though that doesn’t equate to atomization, rather free expression/rugged individualism within the frith/ordnung. Also I’ve read/heard that Odinism has hugr, minni, hamingja, fylgja, hamr, ørlög, and aldr unlike Christianity which just speaks of the soul or at most a trinity which was stolen/co-opted.
Urglaawe Amish or Heathen Amish
Does it matter?
Since Christianity is no longer a novelty, the pagan-christian dichotomy is flawed.
Maybe you are better off viewing the so-called christians as just another group, in fact.
Technically, since it is syncretism, they are “pagan”, if you will, but not in a favourable way.
I do agree with most of “Gator’s” reading suggestions but with one caveat: All Christianity is a “Trojan Horse” that must be eliminated or the success of any Instauration for our own people will become zero.
Only a true and authentic and real religion will suffice: Cosmotheism!