Building The Yahweh Machine
(((Heisman)))’s final note is an interesting read, despite its omissions and distortions, on the challenge that technology poses to the racial cause.
On a purely human level, monotheistic-modern ethics seem to find realization in political-biological self- destruction. Yet it is no accident that the logic of modern egalitarianism compels opening your mind to death. The final logic of revolution is overthrowing ourselves as biological beings. What appears as death on a biological level is the key to life on a post-biological level.
Auschwitz and the Singularity are two diametrically opposite final solutions to the paradox at the core of Judaism. Auschwitz represents technology mastered by biology. The Singularity would represent biology mastered by technology. Auschwitz resolved the central sociobiological contradiction of Jewish-modernity on the side of biology. The Singularity would resolve the central sociobiological contradiction omof Jewish-modernity on the side of technology.
The Jewish idea, originally inverting the hierarchies of others, completes its progress by inverting itself. The paradox by which Jewish political power becomes its moral undoing finds its historical solution in the Singularity. On a purely human level, Jewish ethics appear to lead to political insanity because they originally presupposed that God overcomes human politics.
The Singularity would be the greatest inversion of the human pyramid-hierarchy of all. The Singularity would be the Exodus paradigm transposed onto a world-historical scale. The Singularity would be the technological genesis of God.
-excerpted from “Suicide Note” by Mitchell Heisman (2010)