Neoconning The Neocons: A Rio Grande Opportunity?

[Editor’s Preface: this is a guest submission from a correspondent Gator. Volkish has no stake in the System’s latest slavic adventurism, and distinguishes Banderism from National Socialism. Nevertheless, we welcome explorations of hypotheticals for Aryans in America. – JR]
Currently in the nation known as the United States of America, an impasse has been reached that does not have much in common with our position as National Socialists. But it has the potential to shake the status quo up to the point where we can find ourselves in a better political situation. What could this possibly be? I am talking about of course the newfound Republican call to invade Mexico in response to the enduring opioid crisis. We should be in total support of this! Already I am sure that some readers are questioning this. Supporting another ZOG war seems rather unbecoming but we must examine the bigger picture here to see the benefits. Firstly, the opioid crisis IS a major problem, one that is the biggest killer of our people and the Mexican cartels are openly profiting from. How can any self-described National Socialist countersignal using military force to kill these dregs? It would undoubtedly be the first time the US Military has been used in a way that benefited the American People since the Mexican War. But there are even grander reasons to support such an expedition. This would be the best chance to really give the System a nice kick in the teeth.
The modern, politically unsavvy, American military will most undoubtedly screw this war up. The mere fact that a war is being fought in our backyard will agitate the population. Sixty-two million spics inside of the country will make themselves felt. Do you think this quinta columna will take kindly to America invading their physical/spiritual homeland, no matter how noble the cause? Hell no. We can expect them to directly aid the cartel and commit acts of sabotage against the war effort. Spic soldiers in the military will no doubt do the same if not outright frag their fellow soldiers or defect to the cartels. As for Mexico itself? Republicans are claiming military action will be supported by the Mexican military and society, but anyone who doesn’t have their heads in the clouds will know that is almost as fanciful thinking. They might as well believe that Pashtuns can build a Western-style democracy. No matter how badly the Mexicans claim to view the cartels they’re going to be pushed into supporting them. The Mexican military might even go rogue and aid them, too. What are the implications? We will now be effectively at war with the cartels AND Mexico. Anyone who knows shit about the cartel will tell you how they’re in bed with the Mexican military and cops…how can you simply just go in and clean house? You can’t. This war will explode into a mess with cartel sicarios trying to kill the families of service members and soldiers being held hostage by more bullshit [Ed Note: hilarious] ROE. That’s all without the assumption that spic guerillas don’t flood the country en masse to fight much like the insurgency in Iraq.
This will be the political opportunity of a lifetime, much like the unique opportunities in 2014 that led to the creation of Azov. In the US National Socialist sphere, guerilla fantasy novels have blinded us for far too long. But does it really have to be this way? Again, Azov has led the figurative charge in how to best build a TRUE national movement. Their many illustrious and daring victories have translated into prestigious positions in their officer candidate school. They run the streets, and more importantly they directly forced their system to listen to them! This hypothetical war will allow us to legitimize ourselves and have a seat at the table, so to speak. Now obviously I am not expecting this to play out in a total mirror of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian incursion into the Donbass but for the Gods’ sake we have the blueprints in front of us! They have shown us the way and we must follow. If we ever want to replace the United Snakes with the American National Republic, we can at least act SMART for once and follow the lead of this recent example rather than repeat the tactics that only worked a near century ago!
So in short, if the military and System want to win and avoid an utterly embarrassing defeat, one much worse than Russia’s with Ukraine [Ed Note: the war is still ongoing] , they will need men willing to go above and beyond, on both the homefront and on the frontlines. They’ll need US. We will be needed to lead the charge under this war that will transform into one that will become civilizational. We will be able to use our new found seat at the table to demand some fundamental changes, we will have the perfect casus belli to start mass deportations of the fifth column, and more importantly the System will have taken a beating and give us the room we need to build a viable pro-White infrastructure. Sure, some detractors will cry about how this will lead to more spic immigration, but under our current dispensation we are getting that regardless so ask yourself, what will really change? All there is really left to say is let’s hope that the NeoCons get that war they oh so desperately want! Never forget, wars thrust upon an unprepared populace have a certain proclivity to lead to changes that were at first seemingly impossible!
– Gator
The 🇺🇦 NS only care about serving the 🇮🇱 Zelensky and his master, Kolomoisky. What garbage. Bow before your precious ZOG, and open your borders and gulp down your EU quota of Islamists from Africa.🙄
Men. I’m starving for audio. Starving. My ribs are touching. Respectfully, please make some time in your busy schedules. I know we’re all dealing with this life. With affection… Godspeed
Haha! Me too. Summer break is almost over, we should have a show next month.
This would be a step in the right direction. Brown accelerationism now! I don’t know about this ever giving us a “seat at the tables” but I do suspect this will create racial derision. This is of course the first step to racial identity.
The question remains, will they get their war? Likely not.