Advice On Forming Folk-Communities Part Two
h/t to Muttwilliams for making these texts available here
We recommend that the Folk-community should be in a fairly secluded rural area, as far as possible from the degeneracy of the urban cesspools. It is easier to develop and to have control over one’s children in such an area. Nevertheless, it is entirely possible to form a Folk-community right in the middle of a city. We have seen it done very successfully by certain religious organizations. However, this is not within our expertise, and so we will leave urban Folk-communities to someone else who has the desire and energy to develop them.
The area to be selected will be different for different individuals. Different states have advantages and disadvantages. Land prices, cost of living, political structure, home schooling laws, presence of non-Whites, employment opportunities, and the projected future of the area all need to be considered carefully. Usually the better the employment opportunities the more non-Whites and the higher the cost of living. Whatever area you select, you can expect that you will need to sacrifice and change yourself a great deal! Volksberg was selected because our family was already established in this area, and other communities will probably come about the same way. It makes things much easier if someone is familiar with the area.
Employment opportunities will be a major factor in area selection. Some people will have their own businesses and they will be able to relocate in communities much further away from the cities. Others will have to live in communities in areas from which they can commute to employment in the cities. As mentioned earlier, some may even be able to settle within the cities themselves and still prosper as a Folk-community. Volksberg is in an area near a small city where there are only limited employment opportunities, yet we have found that with the Aryan spirit of will and pride of workmanship, one can not only find employment here, but advance rapidly. There’s always room at the top!
The Locals
Another advantage to settling an already existing community is that the locals get to know everyone on an individual basis. You will find that while you may not get any real converts, the locals will accept your ideals and they will probably be allies should the need arise. By contrast, if a tract of land is settled in common the locals invariably tend to think of it as a fenced-in ghetto on a hilltop and a threat to their way of life. They will probably shy away from the members and they will be willing to believe just about anything said about the community, even more so if there are some whackos living there from time to time, which, as we will discuss later, is always a real possibility! Anyway, good relations with the neighbors, no matter what their belief (or even their color!) is essential. We are not forming communities in order to convert the masses, or even the locals. Communities are for the future, and obviously it is dangerous to bring any adverse attention to ourselves. Our future will not profit by maligning any local non-whites or others that do not see our views. Always act like Aryans, not Negro street hoodlums!
Community Centers
If possible, it is beneficial to have a building in which the community can gather for social occasions, or hold ceremonies traditional to their beliefs. If not a building, then perhaps a grove of trees or a meadow would suffice. This could be on the property of one of the members, or perhaps owned or rented in common. Frequent gatherings help to bond the community. It is important to keep everyone’s mind on the goals of the community, rather than on individual day to day cares. Volksberg serves this purpose here. Our Runic point is used for gatherings, and we have a building which is used as a guest house for visitors from out of the area.
It is, of course, absolutely imperative to have control of our children’s education. There are many alternatives for schooling children. Here at Volksberg we have our Wotan School, and we are now providing a summer camp for qualified Aryan children. Most rural areas in California are loaded with alternative schools, and home-schooling is very popular. Other states have set up roadblocks to home education, but in California the liberals have already jumped this hurdle for us.
We recommend that children be educated in their own homes, at least in the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic, even in preference to a National Socialist school such as the Wotan School. This is because home schooling bonds the children into the family, which is the basic building block and the most important part of a Folk. Home schooling, if done intelligently with discipline and responsibility, creates a very strong bond of loyalty between parents and children which is rare in these days of rootlessness and alien values. This makes the family stronger, and in turn the strong family creates a strong foundation for the Folk-community. One way or another, each family needs to find the means to educate their own children.
From our experience with the Wotan School, we have learned that while educating children certainly takes some intelligent effort, and a great deal of responsibility, it is nevertheless not beyond the abilities of any idealistic Aryan parent to teach their children to read, write, and do simple mathematics. There are correspondence courses available, a number of good books on the subject, or one can just improvise. Where there is a will, there is away!
Remember that it is even more important to teach our children self-discipline, will, and responsibility! For this, a community school such as the Wotan School is most valuable, preferably in conjunction with home schooling. If the children can learn their basics at home, then the staff of the school can put all of their efforts towards building the children’s character, and helping them to develop to greater physical, intellectual, and spiritual heights. However, even the best school is of little consequence against an un-Aryan home environment. Example is the prime instructor. If we are not willing to change ourselves, then we are wasting our time with our children. Parents or community members habitually resting a can of cheap beer on their well-nurtured beer-bellies will not inspire children to a higher destiny. The same can be said for sucking on cigarettes, and especially for the common American tradition of vegetating in front of a television set! Be aware that sending children to a National Socialist School will not overcome a degenerate home life! Children from chaotic, irresponsible, or degenerate homes cause problems for instructors and hinder the other children’s development. Sadly, children from such environments are not likely to evolve very highly.

Advertising Folk-communities is a bit of a problem. Rightly or wrongly, there is an on-going paranoia about infiltrators and provocateurs, and everyone worries about all of the crazies and whackos in the White racial movement. Few are very willing to open their doors to people who are little known—and our experiences prove this to be prudent! Nevertheless, word has to be gotten out about the existence of new Folk-communities, and mechanisms need to be devised to screen newcomers.
For advertising we are pretty much dependent on word of mouth or on the existing White racial publications. NS Kindred publications will be glad to advertise Folk-communities as the need arises, and we hope that other publications will see fit to do so as well. Communal type Folk-communities will require careful screening, and each community will have to devise its own methods to suit its situation. Little if any screening is necessary when settling an existing community. Self-reliance, the natural process of selection, does most of the screening necessary, and of course there is really no way to stop anyone from relocating, to the area if they so desire.
A Real Problem
From our experience we can say that you won’t have to worry very much about hostile locals, the JDL, ADL infiltrators, or Federal agent provocateurs. We’ve never had any trouble with anything like that, and it seems unlikely that we ever will. However, it cannot be over stressed that, as noted earlier, we do have a real problem in the very nature of a large segment of the existing White racial movement. Anyone who has worked in the White racial movement for any length of time knows that the percentage of people with personality problems and of downright crazies in the White racial movement far exceeds that in the whole of society! The movement is full of people with big problems: mindless race-haters, hyper-sensitive egoists, women-haters, sociopaths, paranoiacs, semi-white want-to-be’s, and other sorts of whackos! When we first began our Folk-community we had very little experience within the White racial movement, and so we opened our hearts and our doors to many to whom we should have never given the time of day. We’ve learned some hard lessons, and we hope that we can be of service helping others to keep from making the same mistakes.
Community leaders must learn how to detect people whose personality problems will cause the community big problems! Be aware that these people are often very plausible, and that they can talk any line you want to hear. Also be aware that longevity of service in “the movement,” or “on staff”” does not mean that the individual is an upstanding National Socialist. In fact, in many cases we have found it to be just the opposite! All too many of these people survive off the idealism, generosity, and kindness of others, but it won’t matter how much you subsidize them or their families, in the end their fragile egos will not be able to tolerate any discipline or responsibility. Invariably, they will invent preposterous reasons to hate you, and before you know it, they will be out to get you and to destroy the community. The real agenda of these people is not idealism, but the big ME, and this means problems for a Folk-community!
There is some real agony, some real heartache, in putting out so much love, kindness, and understanding only to again and again be used, deceived, and betrayed! But even worse than any personal agony is the effect that association with these people has on the children. We must be very careful about whom we allow to be around our children. We can’t succeed in raising highly-developed children if we allow them to constantly associate with warped people.
Why We Must Continue
One might ask why, in light of the aforementioned problems, anyone would want to get involved in a Folk-community? We can only answer that there is nothing more important in the world than to bring forth a more highly evolved Aryan Folk. It is our Nature-given purpose in life, and certainly our only real racial salvation. We cannot allow a bunch of whackos to succeed in doing what even the Jews and International Finance has not yet been able to do. We need only look at the fair hair and trusting blue eyes of our own three children to reaffirm that we can never give up, come what may! Idealism is not an easy road.
There are many ways to form Folk-communities, and we are always ready to give what information and advice we are able to those who wish to become involved. Whether we succeed or fail is not dependent on outside influences, but on our inner strength. If Aryans are to survive on this earth and evolve to a Superhuman Species as is their destiny, then it is up to us, right here, right now, to take the first steps. We have done this at Volksberg, and we will not rest until the next generation, our children, is trained to take the reins from us and drive on! We urge others of our Folk to step forward and to form their own style of Folk- communities in their own areas.
-Jost Turner, Volksberg YF-102