But Then Something Happened That They Did Not Intend
h/t to Muttwilliams for making these texts available here
The Revolution that Should Never have Happened
National Socialists know that most of the world information media, governments, and educational systems—democratic and Marxist—are effectively controlled by a small group of wealthy bankers and financiers who create currency out of nothing and force the governments of the world to borrow it at handsome interest rates (see our booklet, The Golden Rule). This money monopoly, known as International Finance, was originally founded by the Rothschild banking house about two hundred years ago, and they may or may not still control it. These mercantile monarchs are using their enormous financial, military, and media power to force or manipulate the peoples of this earth into a mass of cheap and compliant labor to convert the resources of this planet into material comforts for a tiny group of the financial elite.
International Finance’s first step to world dominance is to get rid of or disempower all aristocracy. A true aristocracy is the natural leadership of a Folk, and the natural inclination of this leadership is idealism and an honest concern for the welfare of their Folk. Although in these times the aristocracy is usually just as corrupt and sold out as anyone else, there is still a chance that their idealism could surface and suddenly hamper the money monopoly’s plan. But with the aristocracy gone, or out of power, leaders would be selected by the masses, who, them- selves steeped in self-interest, could be counted on to select leaders of similar ilk, who could be controlled with more certainty than the aristocracy. This, of course, was the origin of modern- day democracy, and it works well! Virtually every war and revolution since (and including) the French Revolution has been a manipulation by International Finance toward the realization of its goal: a world slave-state.
After getting rid of the aristocracy, the next step is to destroy the natural Folk-communities (either by wars, traitors, or financially), and mix different ethnic or racial groups together in the Folk-lands—all the time subtly promoting ethnic and racial strife so that the future slaves will never be able to unite against their masters. They then educate this rootless, cultureless mixture to see themselves and their new multicultural communities solely in terms of economic utility and narrow, egoistic, self-interests. Such slaves would be too self-absorbed with materialism to be concerned about their quality of life, the future of their children, or the destruction of the earth’s environment. When International Finance begins its final step, lowering wages and restricting all freedoms, there will be no danger of rebellion. Instead, these multi-ethnic slaves will merely fight their fellow slaves for whatever slave-wages are offered.
By the end of World War One, the aristocracy of old was virtually gone. International Finance had engineered the Russian Revolution of 1917 and created the great Marxist slave-state as a world model (one of the first orders of business being to mix-up all the Folk groups throughout the Russian empire). They controlled the leaders of the democratic countries as well, and had begun manipulating the educational systems toward multi-culturalism. The evil money monopoly had made it virtually impossible to defy its dictates. Any leader who dared to defy would be either assassinated, discredited by media denigrations, or, if all else failed, his country destroyed militarily.
By the 1930s, the stage was securely set to wrap up their plans in Europe. Germany was in social and economic chaos, and an international Marxist revolution, engineered and financed by International Finance, was on the verge of unchallenged success. But suddenly something happened that was not planned. Out of nowhere. there came a new revolution. Adolf Hitler swept through Germany preaching idealism and placing the welfare of the Folk before individual interests. International Finance used the world media to drone denigrations and falsifications to manipulate the rest of the world into hating Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, but in Germany itself, where people were in close proximity to Adolf Hitler, the money monopoly’s power and control were of no avail. Try as they may, the great power of International Finance could not prevent Adolf Hitler from taking power in Germany.
The social and economic miracles which followed Adolf Hitler’s assumption of power astounded the world, and undeveloped countries began to look toward Germany as a model of freedom from international interest slavery. This was bad enough, but when Adolf Hitler took Germany off the international banking system and printed his own money (like Abraham Lincoln before him and John F. Kennedy after him), the lords of finance realized that the destruction of their plan was imminent. Since they couldn’t bribe him or assassinate him, they went to their final option and instigated the most bloody and destructive war in history. Even against the combined military powers of the democracies and the Marxist empire, Adolf Hitler almost fought them to a standstill. It was only the egoism within—the lingering influence of pre- National Socialist education—which finally destroyed the great Folk-community (see our publication, A Victim of his Generals). Today, the world media, in fear that the truth may be discovered, still drones anti-Hitler denigrations and falsifications.
The National Socialist revolution should never have happened. International Finance solidly controlled the German government, police, courts, information media, and educational system—just as they do in this country today. But somehow a significant portion of the German people were affected and harkened to the Folkish message of National Socialism. Adolf Hitler should never have been able to sway millions of Germans. But it happened, and it happened because it was beyond the powers of International Finance!
Professor Carl Jung, the renowned founder of analytical psychology, understood how it happened. From his great expertise in these matters, he recognized that the National Socialist revolution was a Folk possessed and motivated by a psychic force which he called Wotan. He also recognized that Adolf Hitler was the medium of this force which affected the German Folk. That force which Professor Jung called Wotan was the advanced state of evolution of Adolf Hitler (see our publication, The Incarnation of Wotan).
Adolf Hitler’s advanced state of evolution was indicated not only by the incredible accomplishments of National Socialist Germany, but by the observations of those who knew him well: his complete lack of ego; the perceptible magnetism of his presence which affected friend and foe alike; his developed intuition; his great kindness and compassion for all, even his enemies; and the ineffectiveness of International Finance’s great power against his dauntless will. Adolf Hitler was the forerunner of a new Aryan race, far more evolved than any today: the Aryan race of the golden ages.
This power of the highly evolved is not magic or supernatural. It is a law of Nature, as yet undiscovered by science or religion. The ultimate essence of a human being, like everything in this world, is, of course, pure energy. The more energy something, or someone, has, the more magnetic—and attractive to those with less energy—it is. As man’s evolution advances, he becomes, among other things, more concentrated with energy. The great energy of the highly evolved affects others similarly to the way a powerful magnet affects a coil of copper wire. Just as the lines of force from a magnetic field generate electricity when they pass through a coil of copper wire, so the great energy field of the highly evolved generates energy in the nervous systems of those they are near. (In the most advanced levels of evolution, the energy can even be transmitted to others at great distances.) This energy field of the highly evolved actually advances the evolutionary level of everyone around them, inspiring them toward their natural idealism, will, and self-discipline. This is beyond the paltry powers of dark age materialists, such as International Finance, to prevent or to manipulate.
This is what happened in Germany. The tremendous energy which emanated from one man, Adolf Hitler, elevated the German Folk beyond their selfishness and indifference, and freed Germany from the heretofore invincible power of International Finance. Even one individual of advanced evolution can make awesome changes in the world, and as time advances, more such highly-evolved individuals will be entering the world. That is why Professor Jung prophesied to Miguel Serrano that Wotanism would happen again—but next time on a world-wide scale!
We do not have to wait until Providence brings us someone else of higher evolution. Our Wotan School has revived, clarified, and begun a training program for ancient Aryan methods to rapidly accelerate human evolution, and we are now offering training in these techniques to those who have the idealism, will, and self-discipline—our future leaders and activists. It is our destiny to change this world, and nothing can stop us but our own selfishness or laziness. We are working toward a new, more powerful incarnation of Wotan to vanquish the forces of darkness from this earth once and for all. We invite all so inclined to join us or support our efforts in this great task.
-Jost Turner
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Truer words have not been written. The NSDAP was like a bright bolt of lightning in a dark sky. Truly awesome. A planet wide electrical storm is in the works, I think.