The Victory Of Life Is the Reason For The Universe
h/t Vidar
As the Führer said, “National Socialism rigorously teaches the reality of the most precise scientific knowledge and expresses it clearly. Our piety bows unconditionally to the greatness of the divine laws of life. We have only one prayer: to courageously carry out the duties that flow from them.”
National Socialism derives its truth from observation of the world. It is therefore a true philosophy. But to have a philosophy also means to behave towards life and the values of life in a way that is in harmony with one’s view of the world. Every human being sees the world through his own eyes and lives the world to the rhythm of his own blood. The world view is therefore always specific to each people.
How do we Germans see the world?
When a German walks through the fields on a fine summer day or a white winter night, he contemplates with reverence the beauty of the world: the clarity of the blue sky and the sun, or the legion of eternally twinkling stars, the dark course of the clouds, around him the ripening harvests and the vast meadows of grasses and flowers, the shining lake, the gentle fall of the snowflakes. And when he hears, during the autumn nights, the drumming of the rain, the forests in the storms, the struggle of the dunes against the waves along the sea, he understands then that the world is a place of beauty, at the same time as the immense battlefield of the eternal struggle.
The strong man takes the world as it is.
The thought that the earth is nothing but a “valley of tears” would never occur to a German. The divine power of creation in this world is, according to our belief, too noble and too rich to have created a “valley of tears”.
The German who walks along the flowery paths in springtime and hears the sweet song of a bird nestling in the boughs where five chicks are about to follow their destiny, could never imagine that these chicks would be hatched with the curse of original sin. But as he listens to the bird’s beautiful song, he feels the joy of nature proclaiming that procreation and birth are applications of divine laws. In our people, does not a mother also obey a divine law when she gives children to the nation? No parents could ever believe that paternal or maternal happiness is tainted by the curse of original sin. Never have children come into the world so tainted!
The things of life are born of procreation and childbirth and pass away with death. When the leaves fall in autumn, when the old tree falls in the wind, this is fate. The death of the living being is not, however, the “ransom of sin”
The observation of the world thus provides us with the certainty that the environment in which we live is not a vale of tears, it is the land of our homeland. Procreation and birth are neither sin nor fault, but the fulfilment of the divine will. Death is not the consequence of sin, but the law of life, necessity and destiny. The Führer once said:
“At the head of our programme is not mysterious intuition but lucid knowledge. There were times when darkness was the necessary condition for the effectiveness of certain doctrines; we now live in an age when light is the foundation of our successful business.”
The light of science thus illuminates the eternal truths of National Socialist ideology. It is the culmination of the struggle for science and the affirmation of our specific nature.
To fight for knowledge, for light and truth has always been considered by the obscurantist world as heresy. Thus knowledge and respect for the laws of the universe has suffered the curse of the priests and even today the Church’s anathema does not spare them.
Giordano Bruno was burnt alive as a heretic for proclaiming with heroic passion, totally in the spirit of our faith: “We seek God in the unalterable and inflexible law of nature, in the respectful harmony of a soul submitting to that law. We seek Him in a ray of sunlight, in the beauty of the things that come from the bosom of our mother earth, in the true reflection of His creation, in the contemplation of the countless stars twinkling in the immense sky…”
From the very beginning, the German soul had a direct approach to God: reverent and pious, this soul delighted in the law of the land, in the rustling of the forests, the roar of the seas and storms, the contemplation of the starry sky. It was this respect that prompted him to follow the natural laws. To respect them was to affirm God. To transgress them was to distance oneself from the divine.
Today we know again that the law of the world is also the law of our human life. As the Earth remains in the orbit of the Sun, so we men must remain true to the laws of life. Just as our ancestors with the wonderful instincts of our race lived in unison with the laws of nature, so can we, enriched by experience and science, consciously bring our lives into accord with the laws of the world.
Respect for life is always the foundation of a living faith and true piety. He to whom the world appears divine because it is created by God, will never lose his respect for life and its laws. The separation of God and the world comes from an alien way of thinking. To deny the divine character of nature is to despise the world and life on Earth. Whereas primitive man, aware of being the holder of divine life, respects himself and life, the man who represents God only in the hereafter, knows neither true respect for his own person, nor respect for what grows and flourishes on Earth. He respects only what he imagines to be above the world and himself, only through the feeling of being a creature, that is, a creation of God.
We see paradise in the beauty of the blessed and sacred Earth. At the dawn of the year, millions of flowers, the quivering gold of the cornfields, the brilliance of the snow and the purity of the flakes at Christmas, the birth of life in the womb, are for us a manifestation of heaven.
This is where Rosenberg’s words apply: “If one considers this great veneration as ungodly and atheistic, one may reply to this groundless assertion that if, indeed, one teaches the existence of a Creator and celebrates Him in hymns and prayers, one cannot then consider the observance and enforcement of His laws as sacrilegious and their transgression as a sacred duty.”
If we look at the history of all the peoples of the Earth, we see that every people has the destiny it deserves. Since people were born by the will of life, they have been responsible for their destiny. This is why the following adage is so true: There is no God who decides what is right and wrong in history: people are masters of themselves.
The end of a people is the natural conclusion of its reckless transgression of natural laws. Only the respectful acceptance and conscious observance of the divine laws of existence ensures the continuance of a people. The eternal life of our people is the objective of our work and of all our struggles. Indeed, “the victory of life is the reason for the universe”.
Wherever we see the presence of life, we recognize the will to maintain and conserve the essence of the species. “The sacred law of every being is to safeguard and defend its own character” (H. St. Chamberlain). Every organism therefore fights for its life and the world becomes a place of perpetual struggle. Struggle is nature’s way of maintaining a vigorous life. It ensures the world’s “Great Health”, for that which cannot win must necessarily perish.
Nature is the eternal teacher of people, constantly teaching the ephemeral nature of the individual but also the durability of the group and the eternity of life’s relationships. It also shows how to ensure survival.
Nature is infinitely varied and presents itself uniquely in millions of different aspects, but every organism and every event in nature involves specific laws. They are necessary because without this legitimacy, nature would not be structured. Order is part of the essence of life. It is the duty of humans to understand the order of nature and to recognize its legitimacy.
The Germanic respect for life was revived through National Socialism. Struggling for our own world view, we have come to realize that we honor God only by respecting the eternal laws which, from His will, govern the world.
-Dr. Schinke, SS BOOKLET No. 8. 1939