What If He Was Right?
Only one man and idea has inspired the West in the last hundred years.
And that is Hitler.
We believe in him more than anyone else. He is the yardstick from which all value and action proceeds. But right now that valuation is in a negative and oppositional mode. We believe that we should be doing the opposite of what he wanted in all aspects of life. In fact, we have spent the last 80 years patting ourselves on the back for prosecuting an earth-shaking Holy War against him and his people. We killed millions, burned whole cities full of women and children, and we are proud of it. In our world today, the worst thing you can do is stick up for the real heroes and victims of that war. That’s who we are now. Identifying as a “Nazi” is no small thing, even though it’s made light of online. It’s the one group that it’s ok to kill even amid all the hypocritical humanitarian pacifist talk.
The real truth is that there is no coming back from this for our current civilization. At no point will the educated classes accept that Hitler was right, which is the only spiritual basis for any renewed racial self-assertion. This means, among other things, that the invaders will not be going home, and thus there will be no social renewal on the horizon.
The End of History didn’t begin in the 1990s after the Cold War ended. It began in 1945, when we foreclosed—for the time being—on the possibility of a new living future for ourselves. Our “stuck culture” was apparent long before the 21st century to those who knew what to look for.
And the West has been living in retirement since then. The Cold War and War on Terror were just spooks—phantoms that were conjured by the Jewish media as a means of taking our money and constructing our own prison cell. We mapped the globe, conquered all external enemies, secured mass prosperity for ourselves, and finally allowed ourselves to be convinced that there was really nothing left to do. And thus our spirit died.
The West has no idea what it’s supposed to do next. The is no next step in the development of Liberalism except total global anarchy. Which, of course, may happen on its own accord due environmental and energy limitations.
But one thing has bothered us the whole time: Hitler
The last thought feeling of our Western Christian civilization will always be, as it dies its final death is: what if Hitler was right?
The greatest war in human history is destined to become a new Mythos. We know what one version of that Mythos entails. We are about to find out what the other version is like. As Rockwell said, once the White man grows tired of the Jewish hot-house he finds himself in, he will know where to look.
The further we move into this post-historical era, the more distant becomes any real attachment or memory of the old Western civilization. And as this happens the only thing that will feel like it matters or is relevant will be Hitler.
In the end, there will be only two visions: the present reality of what the West became, and what Hitler dreamed for us. That will be the memory for centuries to come, and in time, his vision will win out and be the foundation for a renewed Aryan culture.
Blake, thank you for your most excellent essay. This I will circulate widely today.
I appreciate that, thanks.
Just found your site via the excellent podcast and have set myself the task of going through as much as I can. Am deeply impressed and feel strangely moved. As a German, married to an American, raising children in the fatherland and very much having to hide my beliefs, it is a relief to read and listen to you all. Currently listening to your travels through Germany and wish I could have been of service, as I know about secret pilgrimages. Well done and thank you for your work. Danke und alles Gute!
Much thanks
Absolutely spot on!
It will truly be a glorious day when the Abrahamic mind virus, and all of it’s adherents, are banished from the earth! May our children/grandchildren bask in the glory that they were destined for.
Heil Hitler! Hail Wotan!
From the perspective of esoteric Hitlerism (which is a more spiritual form of esoteric Nietzsche-ism) the evolutionary purpose of the Aryan race, and indeed those whites with noble souls, is to transcend ourselves to become a higher species. This is why Gaia and the gods and goddesses of our people created us, so that we may eventually recreate ourselves as something more powerful and sublime. I’m not referring to the transhumanism of the Jewish dominated system, which is merely a further robotization of man, indeed, the fabrication of the perfect golem. This process involves a cosmic struggle against the degenerate forces of the demiurgic Abrahamic demon whose incarnations are the mongrel semites that identified themselves as the children of Abraham. The Second World War was not merely a historical geopolitical event, it was a metaphysical catastrophe which may compel us to overcome our eternal enemy, or for ever perish. I suggest the works of Miguel Serrano and Savitri Devi as sources of knowledge and inspiration, as well as the wonderful little book by Abir Saha, Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman.
Thank you, I have read Abir Taha’s book. It was well reasoned. And I ofc adore Devi, but couldn’t get into Serrano. I think I may be ready for him now however.