They Have Not Succeeded In Destroying The Personality Of Hitler
h/t to Muttwilliams for making these texts available here
PERSONALITY: A Pillar in the Structure of National Socialism
National Socialism is often denounced by racialists and anti-racialists alike as merely a “personality cult”, and thereby something to be avoided. Here, we have to smile rather sadly in realization of just how far such individuals are removed from an understanding of the laws of Nature! Frankly, any psychologist knows the value, the power, and the necessity of personality. National Socialists also need a similar understanding of something this fundamental.
No movement has ever materialized just from lofty ideas. It was not Karl Marx who led the Marxist revolution. Marx was a thinker and writer, but he did not have the personality of a leader. It was Lenin and Trotsky, both with strong leadership personalities who instituted his unnatural philosophy. Similarly, in spite of the truth and great insight of Friedrich Nietzsche, no Nietzschean movement sprang forth. Nietzsche was a great thinker and philosopher, but he did not have the necessary leadership abilities and he did not have the personality of a leader. It took Adolf Hitler to put the essentials of Nietzschean philosophy into practice as National Socialism.
Truth and idealism by themselves are never quite enough to inspire the discipline and dedication necessary to realize a movement. Even persecution, privation, or pestilence are not enough to mobilize the masses. No, in every case it is a leader who creates a change. It is a leader with a dynamic personality, a personality which can inspire discipline and sacrifice from his fellow men.
Every psychologist, and even most politicians, understand that personality is everything! It is more valuable than any degree of truth, idealism, or indulgence. Let’s face it, Ronald Reagan was not elected president because of his grasp of politics. A university degree didn’t make Billy Graham a leading evangelist. And no profound knowledge of the Bible made Jim Jones a famous Kool-Aid connoisseur. No, their success came from their personalities. Even if subsidized by outside interests, all such success comes primarily from the individual personality.
Personality is a law of Nature. After years of observation, scientists are now realizing that leadership, even within animal societies, is not based on size or brute strength, but on intelligence and personality!
The dark age forces on this earth know this only too well. That is why they have gone to such lengths to get control of our motion pictures and television. It was not well-written editorials in the New York Times nor lectures by Harvard intellectuals which swayed the population to embrace the anti-Nature stances of liberalism. No, it was the media-projected personality of an Alan Alda or a Bill Cosby that perverted them!
No longer does the semi-literate populace have to strain their brains on intellectual or scientific debates. Now, they simply listen to their favorite news commentator, or better yet, their favorite actor, singer, dancer, or quiz show host! These actors use their personalities, or their abilities to project a phony personality, to persuade the masses to believe just what their masters wish.
We must also understand that there is no such thing as a “grass roots movement”. “Grass roots movements” such as the once much-touted “Nuclear Freeze Initiative” are created and pushed along by the media—specifically, by the personalities of carefully chosen news commentators. Such ideas would get nowhere by themselves. It takes the media personalities to get them rolling. The same can be seen throughout history. The Reformation could have never been without Martin Luther, Calvin, or Wesley. It always takes a dynamic personality to affect any change.
Adolf Hitler affected an awesome change in the consciousness of the German Folk. His dynamic personality inspired an unbelievable revolution in thought, a change in their thinking from selfish, egoistic, individual interests to a consciousness of pure idealism the willingness to place the welfare of the Folk above all personal interests. His ultimate goal was the ultimate goal of Nature: to bring forth a more highly evolved species of mankind. Adolf Hitler understood the laws of Nature, and he understood the necessity of the Folk-community for the prosperity and higher evolution of mankind. But to get his Folk back in harmony with Nature and realize the ultimate goal of National Socialism, higher evolution, he had to defy the enslaving money monopoly of International Finance. By printing his own money, based not on gold nor some bank, but on the productivity of the German Folk, he was able to rapidly build a great, viable Folk-community where his Folk could begin fulfilling the Nature-decreed purpose of all mankind: higher evolution. But this awesome economic and social miracle threatened to be a terminal blow to International Finance and their plans for world domination. In frantic fear of the loss of their power, they retaliated with the most bloody and destructive war in history. They succeeded in destroying National Socialist Germany, but they have not succeeded in obliterating the awesome personality of Adolf Hitler.
It is evident that virtually nothing else will cause the dark age forces of this earth such hysterics as the name Hitler. They are just as terrified of Adolf Hitler today as they ever were, perhaps even more so! Their fear of him today is betrayed by their frantic denigrations and falsifications of this great Aryan leader in all the media and government agencies which they effectively control. The childish fairy tales drummed into the public show their terror that Adolf Hitler will one day be honestly investigated and the worth of his words and deeds honestly evaluated. They know very well that a general awareness of the truth about Adolf Hitler would spell their quick demise.
But the dynamic personality of Adolf Hitler has transcended time. Every day, more and more honest investigators are discovering the truth about Adolf Hitler, and for these, his personality transcends time to become a tangible, emotional force which can, and often does, inspire them anew to forsake the dark age evils of materialism and selfishness, and to embrace a consciousness of idealism which will one day blossom into that long-sought golden age of enlightenment and higher evolution.
-Jost Turner
Excellent again! Beginnen Sie jetzt mit der Rückkehr zur Natur. Zerstöre den Parasiten.
“Personality is a law of Nature.”
“Alright, I’ll vote for Donald Trump because he has a great personality, funny, and there’s no other people other than him that’s at least ‘based’ as him.”
“nooooooo!!! not like that! trump is jewish!!”
“Okay, what do you want me to do to realistically take The Next Step then? If you think that the Jews have their tendrils everywhere with their supposed omnipotent power, as you implied, what are we supposed to do to win? Accelerate things to total collapse? Emasculate ourselves by ‘settling down’? Or, becoming stagnant and passive by waiting for things to happen?”
“accelerate? siegetard!! FED FED FEEEED!!!”
Downloaded, I’ll take a look.
I really liked the reading list at the end.
Any idea on where to get a copy of Jost’s , Essentials of Wotanism ?