Our New Myth
If, so far from its being the historical function of higher religions to minister, as chrysalises, to the cyclic process of the reproduction of civilizations, it is the historical function of civilizations to serve, by their down-falls, as stepping-stones to a progressive process of the revelation of always deeper religious insight, and the gift of ever more grace to act on this insight, then the societies of the species called civilizations will have fulfilled their function when once they have brought a mature higher religion to birth; and, on this showing, our own Western post-Christian secular civilization might at best be a superfluous repetition of the pre-Christian Graeco-Roman one, and at worst a pernicious back-sliding from the path of spiritual progress.
Arnold Toynbee
Those of us who fully realize this, and to whom what I have called the Philosophy of the Swastika—expression of their own deeper aspirations—is the only satisfactory one, can face with calm the present and the coming hardships. No democratic, humanitarian, or Christian propaganda, whether outspoken or in disguise, can alter them. They form that chosen minority of real Nazis around whom, one day—after the coming crash—the remnants of the undaunted Aryan race will gather to start a new historical cycle, under Hitler’s undying inspiration.
Savitri Devi
I’ve been thinking a lot about foundational myths recently. How certain stories can furnish the mental superstructure for entire civilizations. Why particular stories seem to get ‘locked in’ at particular moments in history such that people repeat the same basic narrative to their children for centuries. The Passion of the Christ is one such story. The trials of Hercules or Achilles are another. The Life of the Buddha has had a similar effect in the Orient. These stories mark entire ages of man.
You often hear today, among people who recognize our general down-going, that we need a new religion. Some even attempt to invent one themselves. Wikipedia has hundreds of pages documenting these amusing but futile efforts. This urge is not even confined to late modernity. Starting cults seems to be a constant feature of the human condition. Yet some of these cults, these little ‘new religions’ have metastasized into the big era-defining creeds we know today. Why them and not the others?
I have begun to suspect it has less to do with the content of doctrine or the organizational competency of any particular cult. But rather it has to do with the time in history in which these cults appear. To become more than a mere cult, to become an era-defining myth, society must be ready. Ripeness is all. A foundational myth is something greater than a mere religion. In fact, these mega-stories can be recognized by the fact that they often produce little epigone religions of their own through the centuries.
So when is the time ripe for these new grand myths to implant themselves? It is when the previous myth has run its course and is in the process of disintegration. We can see this in history. The Christian myth only took root at the very end of Classical civilization. We may even posit a general rule that the crisis in the final century of a civilizational age furnishes the mythos for the next on a consistent tempo. The Bronze age ended after the Trojan War which created the new mythos of the classical Greek world, ushering in the era of the Olympians. The Classical age ended soon after the Roman-Jewish Wars and was the basis for the myth of the Christian Age—our own time.
And now our Christian myth has decayed, and our age is in need of renewal. As you can see, these foundational myths are not just philosophies or stories without reference to the real world events—they are actually stories connected to giant wars. They follow these epic conflicts in the twilight of an over-civilized world. They emerge out of the chaos that has psychologically affected an entire society—that’s why they can strike harder and deeper in the minds of men than other cults of prior eras. So if our age is ending, where is our new myth? Well, it’s right in front of our faces. The world shaking conflict that closed our age was the World Wars of the early 20th century. The greatest war of which we have record on this planet. How could such an event not have enormous implications for the future of the world? It may in time be shown to have the mythical power to not just define a new age, but perhaps ‘usher in the second half of human history‘.
The Jews, I believe, understand this. They understand that this war has changed our world forever, and that it must necessarily be the locus of all values are going forward. Of course, right now that valuation is in a negative and oppositional mode. It’s the only way the rulers of our current order can process an event that ultimately spells their doom and is a curtain call on their whole era.
But it doesn’t have to be that way for us. Our new myth is out there now, present in the zeitgeist in its inverted form. Indeed, a photo negative of the mainstream understanding of Hitler’s movement would almost present it in its true light. Hitler the saint instead of the demon. The Nazis as the ultimate heroes instead of villains. Aryan race communities as sacred instead of profane. And a new historical memory that begins with Hitler’s birth instead of his death. The new myth has already been accepted, it is just currently misunderstood.

A hundred years on from the beginning of this story and some of the broad contours are beginning to emerge. The Third Reich was not just the next iteration of a German Empire. It’s different than every other revolutionary regime of the 20th century. That’s why they talked about a Thousand Year Reich. The deeper meaning was that it dared to begin the next age of Aryan Civilization. It’s the fourth age after the last three: Bronze Age, Classical age, Christian age. We start to see that NS Germany was actually the model for an entirely new civilization.
A new myth for a new age. But no myth is ever entirely original. They always share aspects and archetypes with older prior myths. The Olympic Gods grew out of the struggle with the Titans, and Classical Greek religion has many similarities with the Mycenean and Egyptian myths of the Bronze age. It is therefore natural and inevitable that the new myth of Hitler and Germany reflect in some ways the myth of Christ and the Jews.
How could I compare them you might ask. Something false and other and wrong to something true and real and our own? Well, historical development never goes in a straight line. You often have to find out what you are not to understand what you truly are. Such is the mystery of life.
Consider this; what if, just as Christianity—the reaper of Roman Civilization—emerged out of the destruction of Judea, out of the destruction of NS Germany Hitlerism bursts alien-like out of the decaying carcass of our present corrupt empire.
We can think of this as turning the subversion on its head. If it is true that ‘Jesus is embedded in the Aryan psyche as a leader and martyr, and the Aryan needs the martyr’, then so be it. The archetype of the Savior/Martyr complex of Christianity can and will morph into the new Hitlerism. If the old pagan polytheistic framework truly has been superseded, if the destruction of that level of consciousness by Abrahamic cults has carried us into a new world, then all we can do now is accept a new messiah under a new historical revelation. We can work within the template, as the subverters of the old Aryan paganism did.
So what if Hitlerism ends up sharing certain structural themes with Christianity? There are in fact many more similarities that one can observe. We already established that both arose in a “late era” where the universal empire was an established fact and like the early Christians, Hitler’s folk resisted assimilation into said empire, to each’s seeming doom. In this way the Germans can be viewed as the “Jews” of this cycle. They were nationalists who refused to submit to imperial power and were destroyed and demonized during the globalist age. Except in our time it was the English and the Jews instead of the Romans who played the role of world hegemon.
Carl Jung had a similar impression:
Yes, it seems that the German people are now convinced they have found their Messiah. In a way the position of the Germans is remarkably like that of the Jews of old. Since their defeat in the World War the Germans have awaited a Messiah, a Savior. That is characteristic of people with an inferiority complex. The Jews got their inferiority complex from geographical and political factors. They lived in a part of the world which was a parade ground for conquerors from both sides, and after their return from their first exile to Babylon, when they were threatened with extinction by the Romans, they invented the solacing idea of a Messiah who was going to bring all the Jews together into a nation once more and save them.
The Germans got their inferiority complex from comparable causes.
Both existed as historical “in time” savior movements, whose central figure died to redeem a people but later became adopted by the descendants of his people’s former enemies. Who can deny that a certain kind of folk-Hitler worship is stealing the souls of young white men across the world in the 21st century?
Both provided a community for people alienated from society before growing to become the dominant power for a time. And in both, the followers that were killed became martyrs to the movement at large.
Both had to make sense of the fact that their God-man failed on this earth. And both have prophecies of a return of that same central figure in a new from who will slaughter all enemies ruthlessly (Last Judgement for Christians and the final Avatar for National Socialists).
Both practiced syncretism with opposing creeds, with the ultimate goal of eradicating the original without pushing the target population away. (Christians to Hellenic Pagans and Hitlerists to German Christians).
Both came—after early “apostolic” era—to enlarge the pool of those it was intended to save. In the case of Christianity the reinterpretation was from Jews to all men and in National Socialism from Germans to all Aryans.
Can you draw similar equivalencies to any number of cults and movements across history? Of course. The prominence of the Christian myth in our time makes that inevitable, and ersatz-leaders of such groups likely tread the same path in an unconscious way due to the power of the old mythos. The difference lies in the magnitude and success of Hitler’s movement in its heyday and in the lasting impress it has had on the minds of all people generations after its passing.

It’s funny how the right books find you at the right time. I had been waiting to put these thoughts down for some time until I had finished Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace. Maybe I wanted to make sure I was on the right path. Devi, of course, is the “priestess” of what has been called Esoteric Hitlerism. Miguel Serrano and perhaps Matt Koehl would be the later authors of the same philosophy.
Hitlerism yes, that is understandable enough, but why ‘esoteric’? Because after 1945 the movement had to change. It could no longer be an open political struggle for power in Western civilization—that door had been slammed shut. It had to recognize itself as something even more powerful than a mere political movement. It had to find for itself a horizon that totally ignored the contemporary world as such. And in this task it was afforded the opportunity to purity itself, to make itself clean of the social and political compromises that Hitler and his true followers had to make when they manifested a preliminary version of the Golden Age Society in time. Esoteric Hitlerism is true Hitlerism.
What is the task then, of us lonely adherents to this truth, who exist across the internet world whispering secret stories to each other in the darkness of our phones? It’s simple. We are called to be the Volkish myth-makers of the next age. To live the life of proto-monks, striving and working silently in a world that is not our own, casting our thoughts into the well of the internet and preserving the memory of our heroes. In a time saturated with cynicism and irony and confusion we grow the great new ordering myth of the world.
You, reader, are called to this task. The ‘reality’ of the present world comes to mean nothing to you. It is merely the residue of old stale dreams of bygone time. You dream something different, something marvelous. You stack the blocks in the heroic foundation of a new civilization. As the legend grows, you hang the stars and bury the treasure gleamed from the glorious days of the Realm. Because you believe in what we all do; “in the God-ordained superiority of the Aryan and in the divine mission of the German nation; in the prophetic role of Hitler in world history.”
Is this a religion? Yes it is, but one yet still in utero:
In short, if such a religion comes—as I pray it finally may—it will have to grow—grow out of the living necessity of our people, out of their innermost mind and soul, as they are forced in mortal struggle to draw at last upon their ultimate resources, their own instincts, immemorial traditions and ideals—much as Jesus, perhaps, came out of the instincts and soul and accumulated tradition and gathering crisis of the Jewish people.
But this implies that it is not something for which we should wait, or dare wait, in the expectation that it will one day stand full-formed and among us. Rather, although for the most part unrecognized and inchoate, it is among us already, here and there and somewhat everywhere, a living, growing and moving force—long ago started, and quickened, and down through the centuries kept growing and moving by the daring efforts of one great mind of our blood after another. Even we may have a part in it—you, my reader, and I, and many another like us. More than we know, mayhap more than we dare dream, its final coming depends upon whether or not we faithfully do our part, however inconspicuously and unrecognized that part may be.
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