There Is A Way Out
But I suspect that some of my readers have not liked the way in which I seem to take delight in deflating people’s cherished hopes and dreams. But it is not because I take pleasure in disillusioning people, nor because I have become a cynic and no longer believe that there is any way out. Rather is it because I do not want to see people blowing so hard at balloons that will not fly, and driving down blind alleys for nothing. There is a way out, but it is not the way people would like to follow. The way is not to be found in any of this cheap and easy resort to mechanism, organization, the infinitely varied arrangement and rearrangement of external details—laws, red-tape, words on paper, tariffs, treaties, economic agreements, and all the rest. All these have their place, but they come after, and not first.
Something else must come first. And for this there is absolutely no substitute. First, there must be those who have mastered the meaning of life, who have established their dominion as kings over a kingdom within themselves. And the men who cannot do this, or in any event have not yet accomplished it, must be brought under the will and direction of these kings. Then we shall be on our way to growing up as peoples.
But now everything is upside down and inside out. Somehow, we have got into our hands the playthings of the gods, though we are still but children. It is utterly impossible for such as we to bear long our present knowledge of nature. The tempest is even now gathering on the horizon. Do you not hear the wind whining through the rigging? Presently the fury of the storm will break upon us. And that will be the end for a while of our machines, and of our science, and of all this facility of communication and transportation that have brought people far too close together, far too long ahead of their readiness to have much to do with one another. We shall once more have a chance to learn the elemental lessons of life under primitive conditions. We shall be stripped of the grown-ups’ clothes in which we have decked ourselves out and for a day fancied ourselves men. We shall be thrown back where we belong and an ABC primer thrust before our eyes and held there until we master its lessons. That, as I see it, is what is going to happen to us, what is going to happen to the world, especially to our part of the world.
And now, and while this cataclysm is working itself out, and as the largest contribution to a New Day for man, the best thing we can do—I, and any of my readers, and any others who may see it—is to wrestle with the everlasting and inescapable problems of human existence until they yield us their answer. The catastrophe no man can avert. But we can, if we will, do our part to see to it that it is not the end.
-excerpted from “Which Way Western Man” by William Gayley Simpson
Well written, an interesting read.
Now I have to read Simpson’s work, I’ve been postponing it for far too long.
“There first must be those who have mastered the meaning of life” – indeed. I couldn’t agree more.
But what about a certain (((race))) intent on mastering anti-life – for that is what their deeds and actions have amounted to, fostering a perspective inimical to all life, except (maybe) their own?
They are part of our world, alas, they have always engaged in destruction through subversion and hoarding of political power.
I suppose the work in question (Which Way Western Man) addresses the issue, which is why I apologize for what may sound as superficial critique, but if the posted article is read as it stands – I can not but notice an atmosphere of generalization that, I think, obscures the issue.
Yes, this civilzation of ours seems to be doomed for good, and it is even a “good” thing – precisely because of the facts listed by the author, highlighting the causes that brought us to this point.
Observing the problem from a general, and thus, in a sense, “miscegenated” philosophical perspective, there is much to mourn about us, ours is a peculiar immaturity, conjoined with “privileges” we (supposedly) aren’t entitled to.
But what about the racial philosophical perspective – the only one rooted in facts, in eternal truth?
The spiteful materialism, the vengeful financial arrogance that in practice translates to rape and murder and, most of all, endless conflicts and war, whence it was amplified?
Did not the various Masonic lodges comission the work of Karl Marx, hiring him to translate their sorcerous will into a language so seductive it is able to infiltrate any mind?
(And we know that behind the lodges is yet another sorcerous body, the truly causative factor, the holders of the demonic pact, the Lurian Sanhedrin, the (pre)Hasidic Baal-Shems, wielding the actual knife, cutting the troats of our children whose agony and whose blood power their diabolic achievements.)
What, then, is our fault? That we live in nation states? That a Napoleon, for all his civilizing intentions, was but a hired hand, an emancipator of Jews – even as they highjacked, and even concieved, every single nationalistic seething in history (except, of course, AH’s Nationalsozialismus) – is this our fault?
It is. Guilt by omission.
I have to admit Marx’ Kapital is, partly at least, a work of genius, the chapters I’d read, years and years ago, had a convincing ring to it, to put it rather mildly.
Even the Fuhrer stated is possesses merit – in those parts and to the extent it is not sectarian, exclusive and narrowminded and filled with unreasonable hate. Besides, we all know how many schools of interpretation Kapital spawned, some of them highly divergent, even opposing.
But the true bane of our civilization has always been Christianity.
Is this our doing? Our fault? Are we to blame people, some of them, are corruptive, susceptible to bribery?
Yes, we are all to blame.
Which is why it won’t suffice to have kings who have mastered the meaning of life lead us. We, all of us, have to master the meaning of life, helped by the gods of/in our blood.
Supervised by those whose aptitude for growth is is greater (for nature will always insist on differences, it is her way of praising the Source) we can advance to heights we can, hopefully, mantain, without the need to repeatedly fall into the abyss.
The Jews, what about them? Their spiritual core, those wielding the powers of Obeah, whereby they activate at will the gentic code of their fellow Jews and, alas, even some White folks (due to miscegenation i.e. mixing) – those need to dealt with first, they are the problem, and simple killing won’t suffice, their pact needs to be undone, otherwise the cycle repeats.
Then there is hope, even for the remaining Jews (who won’t identify as Jews anymore, not in today’s sense of the word), provided they possess a will-to-life.
Will this entail a trip to the stone-age, will the society collapse? Probably, but even so, it matters greatly how it shatters, we can minimize the damage by influencing ourselves, led by the gods in our blood who be waiting to show us the way how to master the meaning of life.
Heil Hitler!
After an internally cohesive ideology has been defined and agreed upon by those who will actively participate in the founding of a Folk Community, a specific territory MUST be exclusively occupied by the Founding Pioneers. By way of practical example, the Founding Pioneers divest themselves of all assets within the current system, and, through pooling of resources, begin the process of relocating their families, employment and businesses to a single County and specific City within a territory which is already more than 90% Europid. The City which is selected MUST be surrounded by agricultural land and contain sufficient homes, retail and manufacturing facility to absorb and engage new arrivals. The reader is encouraged to investigate the possibility of such an adventure in Folk Community Building in any of these cities in Texas County MO – Houston, Cabool, Licking, Raymondville and Plato. The Ozarks Plateau is one of the last predominantly Europid territories in America and is ideal for the development of Europid Folk Communities.
The greatest obstacle to this program is the inability to take cooperative action toward a common goal.