What Is To Be Done: The Necessity of Disunification
Essay by Seb Durant
Fall not into degrading weakness, for this becomes not a man who is a man. Throw off this ignoble discouragement, and arise like a fire that burns all before it.
– Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita
There’s no need to fear or hope, but only to look for new weapons.
– Gilles Deleuze
The blonde man: man of the abyss, man of the night.
-Ludwig Klages
The call of the politics of the self-overbecoming of European man is inherently a matter of reflection, at least as far as any would-be elite is concerned, and necessarily requires the inner detachment necessary to parse not just the outer manifestations of the merely political phenomena of the day but also an intimation of that which is eternal within our race i.e. that which we should ultimately be defending and advancing. To create a space within which this can occur, it is necessary to address what I believe to be the single greatest impediment to our efforts, on both an individual and collective level.
Exit wounds
The fateful and ensanguined day of the Charlottesville rally in 2017 not only sealed the mereological deal on a number of fractious process which were already in motion within what is now rather conservatively labelled the “Dissident Right”, but also unconcealed a looming identity crisis that perhaps had been latent from its inception, or had at least insinuated itself throughout the process of its ascension during the Trump election. Amidst the welter of undead symbolism, the stirrings and spillings of blood, and the dull force of unreconstructed pseudo-assertion, the agglomeration of groupings on that day presented a rather ironic echo of the question “Who are we”? That question to this day still hangs in the air like a brief moment of silence following a gunshot, and the negative space that this question occupies essentially becomes a metapolitical vacuum later to be commandeered by ironists, who we should speak of in the proper sense not simply as a parasite class, feeding upon the sincerity and idealism we should be trying to foster, but also as feeding upon our own ideological contradictions and of the “chamber of presence and absence” that characterised much of the metapolitical activity of the period.
Who are we?
Are we paleoconservatives? Dusting off our copies of the Death of the West, pining wistfully for yesteryear and rushing headlong into the right-wing ghetto? Are we Christians? Defenders of ‘Western Civilisation’, upholders of Logos? Or participants in a “mystical communist promiscuity”? Are we Nazis? Is it phenomonologically possible to be a Nazi in 2022? The answer for any honest enquirer is a stark one: there is hardly a “we” at all- not just in terms of organisational structures or a metapolitical consensus (the notion of which is made a mockery of by the as-of-now still ongoing “Racist Liberal” twitter theatre), but at levels scarcely imaginable. The Alt-Right big tent approach, far from being a decentralized nexus of counter-hegemony in waiting, instead became something acephalic; a subcultural vortex where ideas go to die, with ressentiment and ironism being the teleological reagents that allowed for ersatz nazis and paleocon pretenders to unite in a metapolitics of reactivity and simulation. Lacking a racially formative mythos or a cosmotheandric centering of man, our movement lurches from one identity crisis to the next, reactively and representatively disappearing in a sea of hyperrealized media coverage, the samsaric motions of election cycles and the ideological dragnets of contemporary anti-liberal politics. Thus, the task before us is one of nothing less than racial re-formation, and the processes of disunification outlined below serves as both a prerequisite and process philosophy for this apoctostasis.
The negation of a negation
In truth, we exist more as a repudiation more than any kind of crystallized idealistic vision; a repudiation of all that has come before, in the face of the horror that has come to pass. This means something more than a rejection of the excesses or even essence of the “left” and the social processes which have precipitated since the 1950’s or even the French Revolution, but instead constitutes a revolution as characterized by Evola—a radical return to the origins—brought about through a psycho-spiritual reverse engineering of everything that has occurred in the wake of itself, a disillumination which sees the phantasms of both Christianity and “Western Civilisation” as bourgeois sets of ideological coordinates to be creatively deconstructed. The twinkle-eyed idealism of the purely “white positive” approach appears to us therefore as a misappropriation; a peacetime proclivity unsuited to this age of iron and involution. The fact that this idealism was often co-terminous in the AR of previous years with ironist reinterpretations – “fashy waifus”, #tradlife, wheatfields et cetera – is therefore a definitive damnation of the approach itself, towards which we issue a double condemnation.
Haemorrhage ahead of us, deluge after us
Those of us with the eyes to see, and the will to bear witness to, the true scale of the horror must be willing to confront the possibility that Western civilisation itself, and all of the forms, formalisations and integuments that comprise it, often mistaken for the thing-in-itself, is at this point historically illegitimated by all that has come to pass, and appears as little more than the false consciousness of euphemists, as a contrivance erected in the minds of the dispossessed after the apocalypse of 1933-45 (remember, Kevin Macdonald has identified National Socialism as an incipient non-western phenomenon, and Heidegger has posited the notion of National Socialism as a mirror to Judaism) and the post-modern condition it germinated, among the imperilled remnants of a race slated for extinction, or worse. What is needed, then, is a transvaluation of values to rival “the most fundamental of all declarations of war” and “act of the most spiritual revenge” identified by Nietzsche; the spirit of Europe itself moves ever forward through history, including through and by liberalism, and ever tries to escape from itself, however much of an alien concept that may appear to the sloganeers, the petty-political and others trapped in the self-referential mycelial web of liberal democracy. When we defend Western Civilization, it is only as an anti-tradition. The way forward may even be so far as something which could be dubbed self-repudiation or even “autorepudiation”, a violent dialectical unfolding back onto itself of the discourses of White identity, dynamiting all inhibitive psycho-spiritual boundaries through an approach rooted in Antinominianism; a Faustian process of willing and daring nihilation to its ultimate conclusion, as a necessary development in the evolution of the consciousness of our race. A mythos which recognises worldview warfare as the highest and most immanent form of reality, to rival the eternal death-drive at the heart of what many still choose to call the ‘left’, acosmically transitioning from one schismatic cultural frontier to the next, its thought-forms proceeding through both an all-too-clear logic of systematic alienation and a philosophical superstructure which can only rightfully be identified as egregoric. As a former comrade said on twitter:
“The only way forward is to own our own self-critique more profoundly than they possibly could, to expose their petty hatred and unseriousness, to take the game to a different level entirely”
In this vein, we should take our cues from negative theology, and inspiration from an occultistic vision of politics, drawing on both right and left, as espoused by Jonathan Bowden. It is not just that creation and destruction are one to the eye who can see beauty, as Savitri Devi said, but rather that they alone contain the potential for a post-ideological fusion which eventuates the disappearance of liberal ontologies, an invitation towards a true objectivity. Another valuable influence would be the indispensable figure of Julius Evola, who chose, as a superordination of Tradition, to participate in the Dadaist movement, which included slogans such as “Dada is against fatherland”, “Dada is against Virgin Mary” and “The true Dada is against Dada”. To the psychological levelling and self-estrangement of the shizotypal ironism spawned by chan-nihilism we propose an ironism of our own, befitting of our sundered and denigrated age: irony as mystification; the irony through which the world itself advances.
What? You seek something? You wish to multiply yourself tenfold, a hundredfold? You seek followers? Seek zeros!
-Friedrich Nietzsche

The breaking of the ancient Western code
What opportunity for repudiation, for creative destruction, lies immediately before us? That would be the ever-enticing prospect propagated by Alex Linder as early as 1999 – Attack the conservatives! The conservative movement yes, but maybe even more importantly the conservatives within our own milieu and the bourgeois within ourselves. Attacking conservatives opens up an entire spectrum of rhetorical and ideological possibilities as-of-yet foreclosed from us – including the narrativising of liberals and leftists as conservatives (a natural approach considering they are presently defending and defining the existing order), usurping the left as the anti-conservative force, and, in an act of divine blasphemy, the integration of left-wing energies- stealing the purifacatory fire of the thought-forming institutions and culture-distorters who appear, through their ideological black mass, to have inverted the moral order of the universe itself. We need to move, as Thomberg said, from the darkness needing to be illumined to the darkness needing to be penetrated. We are the dividers, yes, because the age of individualism, as Dugin observes, is rapidly accelerating into dividualism. Beyond even the great Zero of Lyotard, and cutting across the Mosaic distinction, the anti-gestalt of metanoetics pits itself against an ever-encircling nihilism, now reaching its final irrevocable action. Not just the antannae of the race, but the transcendental circuitry of a hyperreal noetic order. Deconstructive, vanguardist, world-historical… this is what we must be, or we will be nothing.
The dichotomy between where we are and where we must be can be outlined as follows:
- Anti-liberal vs. Post-liberal
- Christian Moralism and defending “Western Values” vs. Transvaluation of values; going a level deeper than mere belief; openness and wonder towards the prospect of an objective order of values
- PTSD Traditionalism vs. Radical historicism
- Superficial condemnation of poorly understood ‘degeneracy’ vs. Descending into the centre of the night, looking death and perversion eye-to-eye
- Organised religion as comfort blanket; yearning for the structures of the past vs. The death of God; the flight of the Gods; a religious attitude towards life itself
- Playing “My Little Votey”; adhering to samsaric news/election cycles vs. Discovering new modes of order and sovereignty
- Anti-Globalism vs. Counter-globalism
- Kanye West vs. The Death of the West
- “America First!” vs. “The Idea is our Fatherland”; “Our Race is Our Nation”; Thinking dialectically about America
- Owning the libs vs. Attack the conservatives!
- Appeal to ideograms and sacred cows: The “God-Family-Tradition Swamp” vs. Dialectical understanding of values – a shifting and evolving constellation of ideological coordinates; going beyond conservative boilerplate and rehashed reactionary talking points; jarring oscillation between the sacred and the profane; spirit of questioning above all else
- Pornographic/ironic extremism vs. “Truth is radical extremity”
- The conservatism of Norman Rockwell paintings vs. George Lincoln Rockwell as a conservative
- Sub-personal; the myth of the individual vs. Supra-personal; the myth of the blood
- Imageboard humor borne of chan-nihilism; the Id vs. Sardonic humor; the super-ego; “when everything’s a joke, the joke is on you”
- Anonymity as alienation/massification vs. Anonymity as individuation
- Extremely online reply guys vs. Internet as second religiosity
- The America of Donald Trump vs. The America of Thoreau, Jeffers and Lovecraft
- Deontology vs. Barbarian virtue-ethics
- Lowest common denominator populism, seeking mass appeal; Alex Jones, E. Michael Jones, Keeping up with the Joneses vs. Vanguardism; Elitism; Paideia
- Irony as ressentiment, irony as parasitism vs. Irony as mystification, irony as World-Historical
- Cowering before WW2 mythology, disavowal games, the play of appearances of deterritorialized extremism vs. radical authenticity to the existential centrality of the second European civil war and surrounding mythologies; cultivation of private allegiances
- Optics; endless talk of “normies” vs transcendence of aesthetics itself; radical normativity
- Dissimulation vs. “Aryan Ethos: Loyalty to One’s Own Nature”
- Making your peace with the system vs. Withdrawal as radical engagement; the insubordination of The Anarch
- Video games vs. Traversing the hyperreal as existential exercise
- Nostalgia for a past that never was vs. Nostalgia for a place that doesn’t yet exist
- Collectivist individualism through the body of Christ vs. Individualist collectivism through racial individuation
- Confining oneself to the right-wing ghetto vs. The antinomian politics of self-overbecoming
An inception is not repeated when one retreats to it as something once was, something that by now is familiar and simply to be imitated – but rather when the inception is begun again more originarily, and indeed with the strangeness, darkness and insecurity that a genuine inception brings with it.
Martin Heidegger
Action – Stress – Polarization – Reaction – Repeat