Manifest Destiny #41: Which Way Western Man Chapters 1 & 2
This week we begin (chapters 1 & 2) Which Way Western Man by William Gayley
This week we begin (chapters 1 & 2) Which Way Western Man by William Gayley
It hasn’t been uploaded to youtube yet, so watch it HERE. This video is one
keep this passage in mind when you get doxxed… “Dare only to believe in thyself—in
In most seventeenth-century cultures, religion was closely linked to what the modern world calls magic.
Volkish readers should attempt a modified version of this celebration during Yuletide. Yuletide is celebrated
This week we discuss the politics of the Left and btfo Chapo Trap house
We can still fulfill the prophecy. As the Commander said, “This time the world!” The
Essay compiled from the writings of Rip Steakface of the Purity Spiral forum. PS: Regular
This week we finish up our review in part two of James Russell’s The Germanization
the War-Leader is the Holy Man of the Aryan World But it is not only