The Greatest Voice Wins
White men in their frustration want to smash and burn the Jew and capitalist regime.
White men in their frustration want to smash and burn the Jew and capitalist regime.
Groups that are socially dominated live in constant fear. In our day to day life
I found this interesting infographic that gives some basic facts about homeschooling in the USA.
All the veterans worth listening to agree that survival should be our priority now. The
1980’s documentary with English subtitles, worth watching this afternoon EDIT: Youtube version was censored. Find it
1945 a young German girl cries in the ruins of a bombed out building after
My friend from Asia has powers and magic, he plucks a blue leaf from the
This week we talk about the SS, the purest distillation of National Socialism.
In fact, “I have no problem with Nazism,” Max Hyatt (1998) declared, “but we should
The taste [of alcohol] once established takes care of itself. In earlier times, when the