Spengler’s Prophecy of the Second Religiousness
“Materialism is shallow and honest, mock-religion is shallow and dishonest. But the fact that the
“Materialism is shallow and honest, mock-religion is shallow and dishonest. But the fact that the
Sooner or later someone’s going to catch the imagination of these people with some new
It is Christianity’s fault that the Germans have become alien to themselves. The oriental Bible
We consider ‘leftist’ critiques of the capitalist system; what they get right and what they
Only those who are convinced themselves that they will be successful can also convince others
“The changed political atmosphere [mid 1920’s economic recovery] in this period was not especially conducive
Around 27:25 he talks about his tenth lesson; the importance of being optimistic. If you
We live in an era of decision. A new valuation of the whole life has
these are the ideal SS recruits. you may not like it, but… Age Virtually all
A basic question for the moral bearing of a person in his private and public