The Last Hours Of The Liberal Age
Sometimes I take leave from my Volkish internet bubble and see what the mainstream liberals
Sometimes I take leave from my Volkish internet bubble and see what the mainstream liberals
Breezy Steve will never understand “The solution is not to mix and mingle with conservatives,
(h/t TANSTAAFL) Boldings are mine. You can read Roof’s entire entry here “Modern American patriotism, or really
He confessed to Else in June 1923 that he felt that he did not fit
This passage is from a publication produced by the group National Action, which I found
The middle and working class split in racial politics is nothing new. Until the middle class
somehow the right-winger will still charge to the polls every few years, do they like the
hold up…are you talking shit about AMERICA dude? Is it Volkish to criticize our own
Sooner or later someone’s going to catch the imagination of these people with some new
What if you discovered that the religion your people had been following for over a