A Pilgrim’s Credo
“Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, alive forever; loyalty to Aryan blood, and to Greater Germany as
“Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, alive forever; loyalty to Aryan blood, and to Greater Germany as
originally entitled “From the Oak Tree to Certain Victory” by Wilhelm Steckelings from “Nazi Culture”
originally posted here, by Peter Crawford This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life,
Reflections… The below exchange is taken from an exchange between Aldous Huxley (of Brave New
“Then and now, the system of thought instituted by Descartes, Bacon, Boyle, and their compatriots
Australia may be infamous for losing a war to emus. But just this month it
In SS circles, then, there was a constant campaign directed against the so-called asphalt intellectualism,
pictured above is a young Edward Abbey “But all of this is changing in the
Matthew Drake does good illustrated conversations. Here he is talking to Richard Houck about a
The universe expands and contracts like a great heart.It is expanding, the farthest nebulaeRush with