The Cleft In Our Soul
But it can hardly be denied that the White man today is in a desperate
But it can hardly be denied that the White man today is in a desperate
But I suspect that some of my readers have not liked the way in which
If, so far from its being the historical function of higher religions to minister, as
There was a time, however, when I was as naïve as the rest of them.
As we have just seen, no man can escape from the limits imposed by his own heredity:
There are certain elements without which the truly aristocratic seems inconceivable. It is to be
By intelligent and watchful selective breeding (that is, by carefully and steadily weeding out the
“Nothing is so convincing as the consciousness of the possession of race. The man who
All history proves it. Over and over again, for the past 4,000 years, our people,
Nothing that I have yet said, however, has indicated adequately how I feel about this