Passing The Hitler Test
excerpted from Kalki Weisthor’s piece Is [Karlsson] not aware that Germany went into WWII against
excerpted from Kalki Weisthor’s piece Is [Karlsson] not aware that Germany went into WWII against
The Sun and the Life Rune The rune that guides this project, and the Volkish
More and more people these days understand the ineffectiveness of the ‘mass movement’ resistance strategy.
Volksgemeinschaft: is a german expression which on the surface simply means “people’s community”. However, it
The Germanic faith movement was a new ‘religious’ movement that formed in Germany in the
Eco-Fascism: a trend that has seemed to come out of nowhere and captivate almost everyone within
“So we’re all nothing but a bunch of hogs slopping at the great American trough,
being pro-white can escalate quickly lol Ever heard the phrase “we are just white people taking
Assignment #1: How we can learn to recognize a person’s race 1. Summarize the spiritual Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS , is the ancestral spirit that we here at Volkish channel. Entrusted