Spengler’s Prophecy of the Second Religiousness
“Materialism is shallow and honest, mock-religion is shallow and dishonest. But the fact that the
“Materialism is shallow and honest, mock-religion is shallow and dishonest. But the fact that the
It is Christianity’s fault that the Germans have become alien to themselves. The oriental Bible
Around 27:25 he talks about his tenth lesson; the importance of being optimistic. If you
We live in an era of decision. A new valuation of the whole life has
*Note: Quotes, statistics and graphs in this piece are taken from Herbert F Ziegler’s work Nazi
begin again from the beginning Being an ‘American’ national is among folkish pagans too shallow
Well, really, between the two…We chose the right side.
image h/t The worst thing for us, we who waited yearning for a liberator from
we weren’t fucking around back then We began by crossing the Atlantic, that stormy middle
you can’t stop us this time Leipzig, May 9, 1933 One becomes ever more lonely. Everywhere