Prophet Of Aryan Communism
Below are excerpts from Michael A. Hoffman’s essay “Celine the Impossible: The Anti-Humanist Prophet of
Below are excerpts from Michael A. Hoffman’s essay “Celine the Impossible: The Anti-Humanist Prophet of
Next time you see someone railing against ‘materialism’… In the long run, it will prove
originally posted here, by Peter Crawford In 1867 the German zoologist Ernst Haeckel coined the term
originally posted here, by Peter Crawford This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life,
“The Greeks, during Apollo’s reign as god of art, thus turned art into a mere
fucking based…why didn’t we listen? “However, other voices in the movement argued a quite different
-Newsletter 134/135: 10 August 1939 “Let us repeat what we have remarked upon previously: the
By Max Frith All right, so Crossing the Abyss has said a lot – now
Over the next few weeks, I will repost some pieces from the publication “Crossing the
One form of Odin is dead, that is, the Odin who was the highest of