Catechism Of The Germanic Religion: Part Two
Thesis 2. “The German religion is the form of faith appropriate to our age, which
Thesis 2. “The German religion is the form of faith appropriate to our age, which
There can be no doubt that Professor Bergmann deliberately chose the above title [The 25
A well-ordered state has no need of great men, and no room for them. The
In our highly mobile and increasingly urban society, the nuclear, or conjugal, family has been
This week Randolph recounts his trip to Germany.
Some prophecies come true. There are some men gifted with a sensitivity towards the present,
Take this four armed symbol, this Fylfot, and display it so that the Shining Ones
Post by Wayland Smith Any faith that believes in rejecting the world, including the blood
Early in the seventeenth century, a small group of dedicated men founded a modest colony
Eastern Siberian and Mongolian religious tradition contains strong connections between shamans and smiths: Peter Vitebsky