Evolution In Reverse
By intelligent and watchful selective breeding (that is, by carefully and steadily weeding out the
By intelligent and watchful selective breeding (that is, by carefully and steadily weeding out the
This essay was written by a hostile libtard over ten years ago, but it get
We have written a lot about the Leftist podcast Chapo Trap House in the past.
The question is asked again and again: “Why are so many German people still attached
This article is really about the question for Patriotards to consider rather than what to do with them: Every
This week we review two films by David Lynch, “Blue Velvet” and “Wild at Heart”
We had one and lost him. Now we wait for the next one. It’s very
»Fire burns by fire, until it is burnt out, fire is brought to life by
Dear Canada & Mister White Canadian : National Socialism is your future! Obviously your mordantly
Clarity. In political-philosophical discussions about the Germanic German faith history, the Christian side still operates