Volkish Project Symbol
The Sun and the Life Rune The rune that guides this project, and the Volkish
The Sun and the Life Rune The rune that guides this project, and the Volkish
More and more people these days understand the ineffectiveness of the ‘mass movement’ resistance strategy.
This week we discuss the B O W E R S happening. This is the
The middle and working class split in racial politics is nothing new. Until the middle class
This piece was written by Shaun Yeager, a British Comrade, posted on the Purity Spiral
Volksgemeinschaft: is a german expression which on the surface simply means “people’s community”. However, it
The Germanic faith movement was a new ‘religious’ movement that formed in Germany in the
I just started Thomas Goodrich’s “Hellstorm” last week. This show features our own Jake Raymond, and
“This is roughly the class structure of America in the middle of the twentieth century.
consider how much this critique applies to people in the struggle and how much it