Volkish Spirituality would be meaningless without foregrounding Wotan, our most important ancestral God.
Wotan was the principal deity of the Germanic peoples before Christianity was imposed upon them 1500 years ago. Though the Church relentlessly destroyed and suppressed knowledge of Wotan and our Gods for hundreds of years, enough was saved so that today we understand what they believed and what they valued. Unfortunately our people today are as ignorant of their own Gods as their medieval ancestors were. Few are aware of the Germanic mythos (or Celtic mythos) and the spiritual ideas and practices that are apart of that culture. This must change.
We must revive our ancient holidays and seasonal celebrations. We will purify holidays that we already observe such as Christmas (Yuletide) and Easter (Ostara), and teach our people their true meaning. In addition, new holy days which occurred after the process of Christianization will need to be acknowledged and consecrated. There is an entire world–our own world–waiting to be re-discovered and brought back into the light and back into our lives. Unlike previous generations, we have the knowledge necessary to make this a reality. There is no longer anything standing in our way. May the Sun finally put out the candle!
These texts will serve as an introduction to Wotanism also called Germanic Heathenry
An essay discussing Carl Jung famous essay on the Wotan archetype here
Jost Turner’s “Path of Wotan” here
Wolf Sorensen’s “Voice of our Ancestors” here
Hans Gunther’s “Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans” here