We Have Everything On Our Side

this passage is excerpted from Strom’s speech recounted in this NA broadcast

“The Jews are lying, the System they have created is bound to fail, and they are far from omnipotent. The mighty Oz is nothing but an absurd little man telling lies from behind a curtain. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “The strongest guard is placed at the gateway to nothing.”

The multiracialists have nothing but bullying and lies on their side. Nothing. We have everything. We have the truth, the facts of science, the honest wisdom of our natural racial feelings, the inspiration of our greatest thinkers, the feelings of love written upon our very souls, the voices of our ancestors, and the faces of our children for a thousand generations yet to come on our side. Who do you think is going to win?

No matter how strong the guard they have placed at the gates of nothing, it will not avail them. We will rip aside their machinery of illusion and reveal the emptiness of their lies. We will show all who have eyes the evil of their genocidal plans. And we will defeat them. We will defeat them utterly. When our grandchildren are telling tales to their grandchildren, the true story of the rise and fall of the Jewish supremacists—of the parasites who almost ground us to Earth as our ascent to the stars was just beginning—will sound like a science fiction story. But it will not be fiction. It will be the story of our awakening, of our liberation, of our new beginning.

And it all began when we decided to stop counting our enemies—and count our friends instead.”

-Kevin Alfred Strom

1 thought on “We Have Everything On Our Side

  1. There are three things that never remain hidden: the moon, the sun, and the truth. Unfortunately, our eternal enemies are just not the only “ones” that lie hypocritically by their evil censorship of the Facts or Truth.
    Mirror, mirror and Dr. Heal Thy Self!

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