Just Whites Taking Their Own Side?
being pro-white can escalate quickly lol
Ever heard the phrase “we are just white people taking our own side” in relation to the racial struggle? Or how about “its ok to be white”?
Propaganda catch phrases like these are meant to soften and tame the beast that is white identity politics. The aim is to make normal people feel that white pride is natural and normal—not the scary radical thing the media says it is. Of course, what we want is natural and normal. But it is really harmless?
Our enemies say, “No. It is not harmless. It is in fact the worst possible thing.” And I agree with their assessment. It is the worst possible thing—for them. White people just taking their own side is a slippery slope. Next, we might start acting solely in our own self-interest. We might begin to ask questions like, “is it in our interest for our media, banking and political systems to be controlled by Jews?” Definitely no.
Is it in our interest to feed, house and take care of racial aliens in America and around the world? Clearly it isn’t.
Is it in our interest to even live around them at all and share our knowledge, wealth and wisdom? Again, no it isn’t.
Going deeper now, is it in our interest to worship a foreign prophet and god—which Christianity compels us to do? No, that isn’t good for us either.
The ultimate conclusion of this thinking is tremendous and earth shaking. The world got a taste of it a hundred years ago in Germany. But now the stakes are even higher.
For instance, are we prepared to cut off food and medical aid to the non-white world, even though such a policy will no doubt result in hundreds of millions—possibly billions—of deaths due to disease, famine and war? Are we prepared to cut down scores of actual refugees begging at the gates and shores of our nations—week after week—in order to keep our societies racially clean? These people rightfully see us taking our own side as a fatal occurrence. This is not to mention all the traitors and parasites in our own nation who would surely suffer should we ever come to power.
If you say, “we can’t do this”. Fine, but can we do the other thing?
Can we continue on the path we are on? Are we willing to surrender every bit of the lands we once possessed? Yes or no?
Are we willing to be taxed into poverty to support the teaming masses and traitorous elites? Yes or no?
Are we willing to keep our mouths shut and smile while all of this happens? Our only thanks being a kick in the face and a scornful laugh. Yes or no?
The time for compromise and sentimentality is over. The money is all spent and there is no more space to give. Offer up your neck, as you are accustomed to one final time or raise your strong right arm and beat back those who would take from you what is rightfully yours.
“…are we prepared to cut off food and medical aid to the non-white world, even though such a policy will no doubt result in hundreds of millions—possibly billions—of deaths due to disease, famine and war? Are we prepared to cut down scores of actual refugees begging at the gates and shores of our nations—week after week—in order to keep our societies racially clean?”
Yes, and yes. I certainly am. And thank goodness I’m not alone!
I am too. This mistake of helping out someone just because the possibility of helping them exists, a.k.a blindly helping for the sake of helping, is par excellence a case of point of no return. Once we have been brought to doing it, they won’t let go off the hand that feeds them.