Don’t Be An Indoorsman
The modern White Americans is a fat, soft, domesticated animal.
Those who want to be Volkish must be the complete opposite–they must be strong and fit and wild. One cannot be a proud member of the Volk if one is fat and weak. Beyond that basic principle, you need to remember two thing in regards to proper fitness practices;
- Gyms are toxic, exercise outdoors
- Exercise with a friend(s) and in public
No more Gym
Gyms today are unbearable. There are 101 things to distract you from what you are supposedly there to do–exercise. The people milling about and standing around, the giant mirrors, the television blaring its stupidity…all these things work against you.
Gyms also play obnoxious ‘popular music’ (aka nigger babble with a bass track) which means you are forced to bring a phone (another distraction) and wear headphones (a hassle). Something else to consider; think about the hundreds of people who sweat on the benches and machines at the gyms. Those have to be constantly cleaned with toxic chemicals that you will absorb through your skin–and that’s if they get cleaned.
Finally, gyms cost money. You don’t need 90% of the stuff they have in there unless you are a serious body builder. You can get fit and in shape with body weight exercise and a few dumbbells (or with rocks and logs!)
Volkish Exercise
Routine workouts should ideally be done outdoors unless it is pouring rain or freezing cold. We spend too much of our life sealed up in temperature controlled rooms. We can all do without the recycled musty gym air and florescent light. Go get some fresh air and sunlight instead.
Alone we are weak, together we are strong. Truly Volkish exercise routines should be done with a friend—and later on with a group. Everyone knows the benefits of a ‘workout buddy’ and since Volkish living is all about working together this is a natural requirement. Go to a local park to do your exercises and occupy the public place. It is a perfect opportunity to communicate the Volkish message to anyone who wanders by and wonders why half a dozen fit young white people are squatting with massive rocks and hitting rubber tires with sledgehammers to the sounds of viking music!
We recommend trying the Centurion Method. This primal outdoor exercise plan relies on basic body weight moves and uses rocks and logs for weight.
Here is the CM intro pages
The main section of the work out plan: CM Main Workouts
And finally CM Primal workouts
Excellent article Blake! Thank you for putting this together. I will check out the links, and put together an outdoor Volkish gym today!
Thanks! Send in a pic if you want and I’ll post it.
This whole gym craze and personal trainers is like the plague! People staying indoors and pretending to do stuff that they could do outdoors as far as physical fitness. I’m noticing more and more The Playgrounds are empty and the sports fields are empty overall physical fitness seems to be slipping away. You’re right about the gyms having too much equipment that’s not necessary to stay in good physical condition! A set of weights and calisthenics then you could add jump roping and bike riding and some sport or activity and you have a lot more overall enjoyment and also get physically fit! When I look at so many of those bodybuilders from the seventies on and see what they look like today,. Quite a few of them look like hell! So much for all the steroids and other supplements. I look at some of these older weight lifting magazines I have and also some other books on physical fitness that were put out in the thirties and forties and I see people whose goal was lifelong physical fitness and health! You see real healthy people with good physiques. Back in the early 1980s I went to York barbell company up in York Pennsylvania and I had the Good Fortune to meet and talk to John Gremick. A true icon and a weight lifting and physical fitness world. He was the real thing before Steve Reeves and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was in his seventies then and he had the best physique I’ve ever seen! Was he the biggest, no. Could he lift tremendous weights at that time, probably not. But he is muscular physique and his overall way his body was you could tell the man kept himself in excellent condition his whole life. There was a reason why he was the editor and major contributor to the magazines that York barbell company put out at the time, muscular development,. And strengthen health. It was weight lifting exercises that the average person could do what’s a barbell and dumbbell and also outdoor exercises for strength and health and overall good Fitness. I agree with you totally, get outside and exercise and get fresh air and be healthy!
Thank you for posting the missing pages.
I do have the “Complete” Age of Iron Edition, but I knew something was missing. Been looking for the original manuscript, but no luck.
Your work is much appreciated!