Acknowledging Our Enslavement: The War Of The Flea The Public Apology
The Polish assassin’s last words were “I am not sorry.”
The elite don’t like surprises. They want a smooth running of their ceremonies and displays and no interruption of The Agenda (White Genocide). Keeping everyone on the same page helps to reinforce the false consensus that supposedly reflects a stable system.
“An effective facade of cohesion thus augments the apparent power of elites, thereby presumably affecting the calculations that subordinates might make about the risks of non-compliance or defiance.” The idea of an all-powerful ZOG is paralyzing to many would-be-resistors. The elite is tremendously powerful, but we shouldn’t be afraid to call their bluff from time to time. The system is full of contradictions and holes waiting for a small band of merry men to take advantage of.
Consider the “War of the Flea” strategy. The idea behind the name is that a tiny insect can cause massive havoc and damage, often through provoking an over-reaction, to a much larger beast. Picture a man driving a car down the highway who is suddenly ambushed by a wasp in the cabin. In his attempt to bat away the intruder, he loses control of the vehicle and swerves off the road and fatally crashes.
Crashing this ZOG—with no survivors!
Is the ruling coalition the Jews have surrounded themselves with truly a united front? At first glance, they seem to have nothing in common with one another; a whole host of recently arrived alien populations, the Negro former slaves, Mexican peons, the sexually inverted, Zionist Christians, the degraded old eastern moneyed families…the list goes on. They are held together less by shared values—let alone shared blood—than by a shared enemy. That enemy is the full awakened Aryan man. It isn’t just white men but rather the White Man who is fully conscious of himself as such. The White Man who is ascendant.
We are the fly in their ointment simply by existing, but how can we take flight and become the dangerous wasp? Scott tells us, “The importance of avoiding any public display of insubordination is not simply derived from a strategy of divide and rule; open subordination represents a dramatic contradiction of the smooth surface of euphemized power.” Public acts of rebellion is the most effective strategy, and can be accomplished by single individuals or by groups of individuals.
The former touches on speech codes, which we addressed in a previous installment. The importance of the public apology when one has transgressed in some way is that it repairs the damage done to the false consensus. The true feelings of the person making the apology is not important to the System, what is important–what the System cannot do without–is that the person publically accept the legitimacy of the judgment and the punishments to follow.
What happens when the subjugated refuse to offer the elite their public assent?
“If the courts are filled with truculent and defiant criminals, if slaves stubbornly refuse to humble themselves, if children take their punishment sullenly and show no remorse whatsoever, their behavior amounts to a sign that the domination is nothing more than a tyranny—nothing more than the successful exercise of power against subordinates too weak to overthrow it but proud enough to defy it symbolically. To be sure dominate elites would prefer a willing affirmation of their norms; but if this is not available they will extract, whatever they can, at least the simulacrum of a sincere obedience.”
The weakness of individual public acts of rebellion is that they can often be ignored. “Patterns of domination can, in fact, accommodate a reasonably high level of practical resistance so long as that resistance is not publically and unambiguously acknowledged. Once it is, however, it requires a public reply if the symbolic status quo is to be restored.” One thing that can’t be ignored are acts of spectacular violence by lone individuals. Consider the response to Roof’s attack on the Charleston church. This act of rebellion required a public response from the System, which it delivered in the form of taking down the symbols of the Old South’s pride—the flags and monuments.
The key is doing things that the Jewish media can’t ignore. And this doesn’t not necessarily require violence. Which brings us the next kind of public disobedience: the mass unauthorized gathering, which we will look at next week.
“Crashing this ZOG—with no survivors!” – Made me laugh so hard.
What you describe here is very courageous my friend, you are describing the solution to tyranny.
Just today the French protested and blocked the street because the French government increased the diesel prices.
And the streets were empty, of course, you don’t see it in the news.
People protested without fear of being doxxed, imprisoned and so forth.
I wonder, do you live in Germany? Are you interested in working together?
I can help you improve your design, get an SSL up and running and so forth and of course exchange wisdom!
I live very Germanic, I lift outside in nature, I live according to the 9 noble virtues & I regularly go camping and strive for ultimate independence in the form of a farm which I work towards.
Here is a little gem if you haven’t already seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lVlAsaxUr8
PS: I have a post which is already done about white genocide scheduled for tomorrow.
Would be cool if you would come over and check it out!