Christianity Is Not A Real Religion
it is a jewish mind-virus created to destroy all civilization
“We have noted that there were several important components of what we would call “religion” in the ancient world that were missing in early Christian groups, which also made early Christianity a very different kind of religion. There were no images of their deity, no Christian altars or sacrifices, these ubiquitously essential in religious life throughout the Roman world. There was no Christian priesthood either, at least for the first couple centuries or so, and no temples or shrines. The absence of these things definitely made early Christianity odd as a religious movement in that time.
An odd religious movement, certainly, but a “religious” movement, nonetheless. For, although earliest Christians did not have such things as images or altars or shrines, they did have rituals that expressed their beliefs and that functioned as actions/events in which special divine transactions with their God took place. Prominent among these rituals was an initiation rite, “baptism,” which seems to have been common to various Christian circles.”
-Larry Hurtado, excerpted from “Destroyer of the Gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World”
Christianity – especially in its low-church protestant form is actually a form of atheism. Satanists point this out. I am not a Satanist – Satan is a semitic deity – however they are correct on this point. All spiritual practices in Christianity are forbidden. You can read your Bible – worthless rabbinical trash – and that is it.
In fairness preconciliar Catholicism has mantras – the Rosary – classical architecture, pontifexes – bridge builders between heaven and earth – prayers to and for the dead, candles, long robes – specifically condemned by Rabbi Yeshua – etc. But all this is pagan. All this is carried over from the Roman Imperial Religion.
On one of the Curé of Ars purple chasubles, there was the Vesica Piscis, or “fish bladder.” This represents the coming together of heaven and earth, the pagan function kf of a pontifex, or “priest.”
There were a lot of crypto-pagans in the preconciliar Catholic Church. I cannot find any, though.
Bruh read the gospel of John it has multiple anti Jewish passages the bible condemns race mixing and Jews in even other verses Jesus himself and along his holy apostles were not Jewish they were Greek the belief hes Jewish is made by Jews to corrupt the holy faith
It is close to impossible to escape the judeo choke hold on western civilization. Those who claim to be satanists are still within the judeo narrative. One needs to study Freemasonry and the orders above it, which are of Jewish origin, then study how deals MUST have been made with the Roman Empire, which never collapsed. It became the Catholic Church, which looks very much like the Jewish priesthood.