How WWII should have started…

The metapolitical explanation for the intra-European power-current from England to Germany is simple. The decline and inevitable demise of the English Nation-Idea was part of the development of the Western [Nordic Aryan] Culture from the first phase of Civilisation, the Age of Economics, to the second phase, the Age of Absolute Politics. It was Destiny that England, the nation with the state-less articulation, to which the Ideas of predestination and laissez-faire had been given, to which they were instinctive, to which expansion meant a business-like plundering of the conquered territory with as little political disintegration in it as possible, was the guardian of the Western Civilisation during the 19th century. Likewise it was Destiny, and not chance, that the coming to an end of that age of liberalism, parliamentarism, economics, laissez-faire, and trade-imperialism also meant the coming to an end of England’s power. The new age, the Age of Absolute Politics, in which Politics rules unconditionally over every aspect of life in the Western Civilisation, demands a different type of nation, a different Internationale, a different Universal-Hypothesis to fulfil the Cultural [and biological] Mission of the 20th century and the centuries to come. The Prussian-German nation is that one of the Western nations whose national Idea thoroughly corresponds to the Cultural Imperative in this Age of Absolute Politics. For the solution of its tasks this Age demands the old Roman virtues: a soldierly ethos and honour-feeling, political-organisatory talent, firmness, conscientiousness, devotion to duty, will-to-power instead of will-to-plunder. Since the Prussian Idea agrees with the Spirit of the Age, power flows organically, naturally, irresistibly to the focus of this Idea.

That a general war would break out, all statesmen and political thinkers were agreed; only its form was not foreseen, nor could it have been. The natural form corresponding to the power-problems posed by the power- currents would have been England and Germany versus Russia and Japan. Since England and Germany belonged to the same Culture [Nordic Race] and had a common Destiny, as they always shall, any war between these two states had to benefit powers outside Europe to so great an extent that neither one of them could have profited from it, and that quite independent of which won a military victory and which suffered a military defeat. Therefore, it was in the interest of each of the two, for its own well-being no less than that of the Western Culture, to undertake power-struggles only against extra-European forces.

– Excerpted from Francis Parkery Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe

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