Five Points Of Volkish

  1. Nordicism – Nordics are the noblest and most vital of the Aryans. The Nordic Ideal is both means and end. We will begin a perpetual striving upward through eugenics. 
  2. Natural Religion –The imposition of Noahide Law perverted the natural development of the Germanic Sacred way. We will revive our folk ceremonies, rituals, culture, and philosophy.
  3. Socialism – Capitalism exploits the Volkish community. We will command the economy to serve our people. Duty to the collective comes before individual profit.
  4. Wilderness — We will again become human beings who are at home on the earth. Ecosystems will be protected, extended, and restored through rewilding. Our planet will be resettled but not smothered.
  5. Imperium — The New Order will arise when the Anglo-Saxon world unites with the Fatherland. Himmler’s mission will be accomplished. Aryan Globalism will conquer jewish internationalism.

1 thought on “Five Points Of Volkish

  1. The above five points are a perfect distillation of a political philosophy. I can find no fault with them. Let it be so.

    Hail Aesir. Hail the folk.

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