Ex-Liberals Are The Biggest Threat To The System
Contrary to right-wing fantasies, small town conservatives (“middle American radicals”) will not overthrow anything. But when the Hipsters turn on ZOG, we will know progress is being made
“Perhaps for this reason, as I indicated earlier, so many radical attacks originate in critiques within the hegemony—in taking the values of ruling elites seriously, while claiming they (the elites) do not. To launch an attack in these terms is, in effect, to call upon the elite to take its own rhetoric seriously. Not only is such an attack a legitimate critique by definition, but it always threatens to appeal to sincere members of the elite in a way that an attack from outside their values could not. The Soviet dissident Vladimir Voinovich capture the critical force of disillusioned believers:
I was a completely harmless member of society. It is the young people, those who display a serious interest in the theoretical foundations of Communism and begin immersing themselves in Marx, Lenin and Stalin who pose a much greater danger to the regime. The Soviet authorities realize this. A person who takes theory seriously will, sooner or later, begin comparing it with practice, and will end up rejecting one of the other, and, later on, the two of them together. But a person who has not been seduced by the theory will view the practice as a common and immutable evil—one that can be lived with.
The remarkable fact may be that it is when a would-be hegemonic ideology does manage to convince members of subordinate group to take it to heart that a potentially radical chain of events is set into motion. That is, contrary to the usual wisdom and to Gramsci’s analysis, radicalism may be less likely to arise among disadvantaged groups (the vast majority, it appears) who fail to take the dominate ideology seriously than among those who in Marxist terms, might be considered falsely conscious.
In a perceptive study of working class secondary school students in England, Paul Willis discovered a strong counterculture that produced a cynical distance from dominate platitudes, but not radicalism. Paradoxically, it was the “conformists,” who appeared, in form at least, to accept the values of the school (the hegemonic instrument par excellence in modern society), who posed the threat. Because they operated as if they accepted the implicit promise of the dominate ideology (If you work hard, obey authority, do well in school and keep your nose clean you will advance by merit and have satisfying work) they made sacrifices of self-discipline and control and developed expectation that were usually betrayed. Employers preferred not to hire them because they were pushy and hard to deal with as compared with the more typical working-class youth, who were realistic, expected little, and put in a day of work without too much grumbling. The system may have most to fear from those subordinates among whom the institutions of hegemony have been most successful. The disillusioned mission boy (Caliban) is always a graver threat to an established religion than the pagans who were never takin in by its promises. The anger born of a sense of betrayal implies an earlier faith.”
-Excerpted from Jame’s C. Scott’s Domination and the Arts of Resistance
I read Khrushchev’s book he wrote about his life, to his ending days he believed communism could have been a success, but blamed it on ppl not trusting the system, the system that murdered their friends and family. He was sold lies by the judens (ahem, bolsheviks) that they (Poor Russians) needed to join, to stop the hunger they felt in their bellies and the deprivations others forced on them. Stalin knew the judens were dangerous, and that is why Stalin eventually turned against them and began murdering them. If Lenin hadn’t died early, he would have been in power instead of Stalin. In a pamphlet, “The New leader,” “The Crimes of the Stalin Era,” was all laid out, by Lenin and Khrushchev. Khrushchev was greatly disappointed in the system, but he refused to acknowledge it was a dud. After WWII, he would drive through East Germany after they built the Berlin wall and saw the hatred in their eyes. He believed it wasn’t hatred towards him and communism, but the system they had been under previously. He was deluded in many ways as these young liberals are and they will not be the first to be disappointed, and like in South Africa, they will be replaced by a new immigrant group that will vote for communism. They too will be disappointed.
ex-liberal, still hipster reporting in. Deus Vult, brother.
we don’t deus vult here bro, we hail the volk
apologies, thank you for the correction. Hail Volk, Hail Our People?