The Crazy Men Of Destiny
I first read this in one of the early editions of Siege by James Mason. The essay is credited to Eric Volmer. Never forget, we are apart of the Out-Elite…as was the Commander.
“In the developing historical phase, unnoticed ranks of men of exceptional and, sometimes, unbalanced ability, the highly capable and gifted–madmen, recluses, and wildmen– are beginning to combine and prepare for the blood-battle. Quietly, efficiently, and unobtrusively, history’s ‘crazy’ and ‘abnormal’ Aryan men are making ready in diverse ways as the orient sun commences its penetration of our long night of racial decline and summons our phalanxes to duty.
The ‘Out-Elite’, ‘abnormal’ man discussed here is a person of extra-normal strengths (intellectual or imaginative) and weaknesses whose power and output are consumed by desperate ‘normal’ men for their survival. Having an extraordinary mentality, prescience, perspicuity, vision, or intuition, the abnormal man is often unbalanced by an equal debility in character or in his fate. Such men are gifted with exceptional, almost praeter-human inventiveness, artistic power, and feeling, but are rendered lopsided by equally intense or dominant weaknesses (inherited or suffered) that often defeat or sidetrack them. Usually non-social (not anti-social) and non-gregarious, the ‘crazy’ man of history deceptively appears impotent and insignificant, for his oddities, his pronounced faculties and defects, together separate him from regular society. His underlying talents unappreciated and unused, his nature misunderstood and misapprehended by a hopelessly ‘conventional’ world, these unconventional Out-Elites remain submerged or are shoved aside from the mainstream; underemployed or unemployable, these men are, however, the chief force impelling revolution at critical biological and historical junctures.
In normal times, or during the smooth ‘civilization’ phase, the abnormal man sinks to an existence of underachievement and penury lived out in oblivion. The ‘cultural’ or living phase employs and inspires such men to the fullest, but the ‘commercial-civilization’ stage has nothing to offer them, and vice-versa. In these latter phases, the unconventional man usually is a material failure, as he isn’t geared to the orthodox, routine modalities of codification and consolidation, and either is consciously bypassed or voluntarily retreats to the byways and backwaters. The casualty rate is high in these circumstances, as great numbers plunge into irretrievable despair or irremediable deterioration, and this toll increases as society scuds toward its climactic era: anything exceptional or elevated– genius or heroism– is more and more disparaged and disbelieved, thus men of true understanding and responsiveness are discarded or stifled.
The ‘crazy’ men seem so because of their genuinely original and stupendous powers, because of their ‘superior logic’, winged beyond the average ken, their ability to ideate or fantasize far past prosaic realms, and their power to conceive aesthetic forms and effects hitherto unthought and undreamed. In our degenerate era, most of such natures grow up and mature unrecognized and unencouraged. Original and consequently rebellious, such men have a tumultuous childhood and usually are suppressed by high school age. But when the sodden, commercialized society declines and starts to crack apart, greater numbers hold themselves together and come into their own: “…the difficult boys develop only when they have the elbow room they need. My former pupil Hitler seems to belong to this latter species.” (August Kubizek, The Young Hitler I Knew, page 54., quoting Prof. Heumser.) Hitler is an exemplar of the ‘abnormal’ man who rises rapidly and unpredictably in the ‘elbow room’ of national and racial decomposition.
Generally the unconventional, crazy men are quite alert to the real verities and the determining causal forces, unfooled as they are by shimmerings and distractions. The abnormal man of today knows that race is the telling factor, and since racialism is intellectually unfashionable and racists are ostracized, the mores hold that this approach is deviant, bizarre, crazy: the racist is the contemporary ‘crazy man’. Used to handling taboos, the abnormal men are taking their growing racialism in stride and carrying the fight as never before. They have the advantage of being the first to champion unpopular notions whose time has come, and, ingrained by temperament and learned by experience, have mastered the rules of the game. Also, the crazy men are resilient, for they never take either the world or themselves too seriously. Incomprehensible to the ‘Semite’, this attitude alienates them farther and farther from the material-commercial crowd, and enables them to see through stupid and lethal orthodoxies and duplicities gripping and stagnating civilization, while permitting them to absorb social and economic blows invited by their racism.
Another advantage is the abnormal man’s peripheral habitat. Too disgusted with specious material rewards and too revulsed by the personal contact required to win a normal living, the ‘zany’ refined men of the cosmos are flops by accustomed standards; in many cases they never establish a career, a home, or a family, at least in the accepted sense. Lonely, solitary, hermitic, these “men of deep insight and feeling who feel estranged in the masses of robot-like intellectuals and vapid women…” move to the fringes where they enjoy leisurely and silent observation. Thus detached, they become ‘other-worldly’, relatively immune to social and cultural vicissitudes and epiphenomena: such individuals become a warrior class, a corps of lethal portents, are willing to sally into the deadly fray, and are safe from the disappointments and let-downs of normal men. Although penurious and isolated, the abnormal warriors have not lost the spirit and edge by the wear of routine of Humdrum Man.
Furthermore, the crazy men living in the ‘commercial’ phase escape notice and control, and are able to strengthen and combine themselves unobserved. This permits their sudden eruption when deterioration becomes manifest and critical.
The originating Aryan man has elemental, radical insights and ideas, and is mistaken and misunderstood as a ‘wildman’ for his vaulting panoramas and programs. His noumena are superior to and beyond those of mundane men. Since any idea is on a separate plane from and independent of inferior conceptions, the thoughts of abnormal man are dissociated from the ‘given’ doctrines and are labeled as crazy by the masses and because a necrotic age loses comprehension of genius, talent, or heroic exceptions, their possessors and appreciators are dismissed and forgotten. Considered wastrels, idlers, or piddlers because they are not participating in the crass hurly-burly, abnormal Aryan men are left to pursue native racial profundities undisturbed and unpaid. In our Jewish-commercialist downspin these men are spurned because they are out of place in an era of cleverness, calculation, and intricacy: because they will not or cannot compete in the commercial world, they are rated as impractical or as men afraid to test themselves, a seriously erroneous judgment. So when historical decomposition sets in and when his own culture sickens, the abnormal, the healthy man, is cast out and ignored– by his own race and by his enemies.
In popular media and in intellectual criticism, the unbalanced seers and deviant stargazers are misevaluated because it is no longer understood that they are not to be measured by conventional standards: in egalitarian times, ‘exceptional men’, the singular geniuses, are no longer acknowledged or perceived. Their qualities, and their worth and importance are missed entirely by conventional investigations and analyses, the latter based on conventional norms and concepts inadequate for the subject.
The uncommon man is not born for the illusively peaceful, successful, civilization phase, but surges to the fore in times of grave social stress and mortal disruption; unfitted for routine life, the abnormal man breaks in to action at critical historical points since he thrives on tempest and turbulence. When ‘normal’ men are stupefied, unnerved, and paralyzed by a novel threat (like the Jews), the crazy men move expeditiously out of the recesses of society into battle, becoming- in our times– racial warriors when all others are routed and broken. The normal man is attuned to normal/natural challenges and situations, and rises during the ‘business’ phase, but when cyclical breakdown sets in, only the abnormal can cope with the new, alien perils. Quickly and unexpectedly emerging from their ‘lost’, ‘wasted’, ‘unproductive’ lives, these metamorphosized Vikings know what must be done and how to do it.
Confounded, confused, and baffled by the insidious onslaught of the Jew, average men are totally debilitated, but not so the Aryan racist wildmen who alone have the conatus– the will– and knowledge to fight happily on. Not immobilized by circumscribed thinking like the confused conservatives, abnormal men deftly grasp the essential problem, and speedily, smoothly, and sweepingly scheme out the solution. Racist Aryans know what the real forces, factors, and possibilities are and cognize what strategies and measures will bring victory: the crazy men alone formulate winning counter ideas and can venture to do what has not been done before. What defeats and destroys normal men, excites and actuates the abnormal; whereas others despair and shrink away, the deviant racist awakens and bristles; what withers average Aryans, tingles the crazy; what is inscrutable and overwhelming to the mundane conservatives is a clear, crisp challenge to the crazy.
Currently, one part of the crystallizing Aryan force, the abnormal men of destiny– the naturalist and occultist Nazis– and the vanquished conservatives, are passing by each other going to and from battle: cheerful, perfervid, and determined racist warriors now are filing in elongated columns towards the test, while dizzy, beaten, weary, ‘respectable’ conservatives dazedly stumble back from the scene of their end as historical men.
Mingled with abnormal men at the outset, however, are the genuine misfits, losers, and inferiors, the freakish, the defective, and the malformed gravitate to the depths and edges to accompany the exceptional men– though for different causes. Clinging to the strong men of destiny and intruding themselves into periodic revolutions in the futile hope of alleviating their miseries, the constitutionally subnormal are wiped out quickly (as on the frontier) by the extraordinary pressures and circumstances: revolution, especially our Aryan upthrust against the Jew, makes tremendous personal demands far exceeding those of regular life and metes out the severest penalties. Only the hard, the healthy, and the humorous will survive the fight and go forward.
Thus an invisible army conscripts itself; only the crazy racist Aryan is able to hate the Jew enough and to love his race and its cultural personality enough to organize and make an attack. The crazy men see the Jew for what he is, and, being spiritual men– being of otherworldly mind and having nothing of property to lose– can transcend themselves to attain the order of bravery and racial love required to win the impending conflict.”
Currently translating this text in French for myself.
The essentials…