Monthly Round Up: April 2019
Stats update:
January: 10,879 views and 1,408 visitors
February: 7,909 views and 1,379 visitors
March: 9,665 views and 1,900 visitors
April: 7,691 views and 1,420 visitors
We put up 20 new posts this month and added two more books to the Volkish Press Catalog.
Our review of Brenton Tarrant’s (audio and textual) action is the best I’ve seen on the web. We remain one of the few sites who have to stones to tell it like it is when this type of thing happens.
For May, Volkish Project members will be constructing a Volkish Calendar. This will include our native celebrations such as Yule and Midsummer, as well as remembrance days for folk-heroes like Bob Matthews and Adolf Hitler.
I am still making my way through “Young Germany” in my investigation of the “Wandervogel” movement. Hopefully I can get a post up this month. Our next Manifest Destiny review show will be on the book “Holy Reich” which dives into the religious conflict in the NS government.
I’ll leave you with this: