Less Screens, More Books
Words build bridges to unexplored regions.
-Adolf Hitler
After a weekend among the folk and surrounded by nature (which manifested both physical healing and mental clarity from the moment of arrival) I was heading back to the “unnatural affront to nature” of a city where I reside. Having flown via airplane to be among my people and worshipping the God(s) of the same I was forced to endure the modern inconvenience of delayed flights and layovers.
Both the layover and delay gave me eight unstructured hours among the seething masses of “humanity” that fill up our airports. Among them, one sees families with children being placated and numbed by screens so their parents can do the same without interruption. Working professionals flying from job to job and endless hordes of brown-skinned aliens without any clue to the social norms of Westerns societies fill out the rest of the picture. Every so often you can see the solitary European man, withdrawing from the world around him via his laptop or alcohol.
Having forgotten my headphones I was denied the same retreat of YouTube videos and movies which would be my norm. I briefly contemplated filling the impending void with whiskey but decided to pull out a book and found myself a quiet corner of the terminal to read.
I had been consciously avoiding the phone for more than 48 hours prior. In that time, I focused on the sacred over the profane. I performed rituals in hallowed spaces. My mind was now open and ready for the written word. The inner dialog rose to the surface and my reading fostered reflection and questioning. There was a simple clarity to the pictures painted by my mind’s eye. I’m no Luddite, in fact far from it, but we must control technology. We cannot let the enemy use this tool to subjugate and blind our people.
In short: Read More. Pick up the works we reference and discuss here at Volkish. There’s much we have access to, much that is lost and is being discovered behind academic paywalls and other various obfuscations. Seek them out. We are.
I enjoyed this article — worthy ideas & sentiments here! Your dismal airport experience reminded me of similar experience, especially when I saw the shocking New World Order anti-White mural at the Denver Airport years ago (even Jesse Ventura was shocked by it on his freaking Conspiracy show). Was inspired to read of your healing & clarity gained and hope to gain similar for myself soon in Nature.
You’re not the first person to comment on the mural at the Denver Airport. I appreciate you reading my post.
The proper English is Fewer Screens, More Books. If you can count the number of screens, which you can, then you use “fewer.” If you can’t count the number of, say, grains of sand, you say, “less sand.”
Honestly I could not count the number of screens as I disembarked the airplane and headed to my gate. Hundreds of people, hundreds of screens. I appreciate the grammar lesson though.