Letter From Occupied Germany
This letter comes from Alfred Schaefer who is currently being held in a prison cell for thought-crime
Dear Jim and Diane, May 31, 2019, Letter #5
Thank you very much for your letter dated May 4, 2019. It arrived in my cell on 29 May.
Where we are today: We now have in clear focus, a very disturbing diagnosis of our condition. This high-resolution image is being registered in the minds of rapidly increasing numbers of people. Everything we had been carefully indoctrinated to believe all of our lives about the industrialized extermination of the jews by the Germans is nothing but the projection of what the jews’ agenda has always been for the European peoples.
An industrialized calling down of the most ingenious race on this planet. Well, over 90% of technology that we enjoy, that makes our civilization what it is, comes from the creative genius of OUR white people. We did not realize we were at war with the Jew who has played this insidious deception on us for hundreds or even thousands of years. Or rather, that the jew was at war with us.
The trauma of the first two chapters of the Jew vs Europe, known as WWI and II, left us susceptible to the ensuing infiltration and subversion that has led to where we find ourselves today. What do we see? Forced vaccinations for our children as surplus populations … dark-skinned, low-IQ hoards with entitlement attitude, and diseases … diseased and criminal, are flooded into all of our countries to partake in the final feeding frenzy that is intended to give us the final lethal blow.
The jew has set up all the laws, after infiltrating our institutions and after stealing all the money, to feed and protect the invaders while paralyzing us to incapacitate our defenses. Nerve agent vaccines for us, as tsunami after tsunami of aggressive dark-skinned people eat us to the bone in an unprecedented feeding frenzy. The jew makes even more money as this feeding frenzy progresses. The jew needs the invaders for multiple reasons. Like a restaurant owner needs guests to make money, the jew needs the invasion into our lands to make money.
When we look at the menu, we find ourselves on it, to be eaten. In this context, everything makes sense. We have been anesthetized and our brains have been marinated to facilitate the banquet. Any and all objections are met with massive demonstrations of our utter hopeless situation This is supposed to continue until there is insufficient muscle left in us to stop or reverse the process. Our genocide.
However, the jew has inadvertently misjudged our deep sleep for a coma or our death. Like a lion that is being nibbled on as it sleeps, by hungry mice, the pinching and biting of the mice awakens the lion and then … Not a good time to be a mouse or a parasite jew. In nature, there are always good times and bad times for any species. For example, it was a very bad to have been a Russian in the “Russian” revolution when the jews took over Russia, murdered the Romanoffs and about 100 million white Europeans to create (and operate) the USSR. The jews killed everyone who could think, and the average IQ in Russia dropped by about 5 points – major culling operation. When the Germans tried to prevent this insanity from engulfing all of Europe. The parasite jews incited the whole world to gang upon Germany. It was a bad time to be a German in 1945.
It was a great time to be a parasite jew, who worked in the WTC on Sept 10, 2001, because then you were “chosen” to receive an Odigo (?) text message to be sure to stay home the next day. The parasite jews were so happy to see Americans burn alive that several of them had to celebrate as the Americans were dying, and danced as the Towers went down behind them. Then after parasite jew Michael Chertoff ensured that all Jews involved in this attack could scurry off to Israel, these happy jews gloated and boasted about their feat on Israeli Television. Back in 2001 it was a good time to be a jew. […]
Jews today are accepting the cumulative guilt of everything their forefathers did by remaining silent. This obliges us to deal with them as an enemy that is hell bent on destroying us. It is our moral obligation to seek justice. A psychopathic mass murderer hell-bent on exterminating us or degrading us to the point beyond which there is no recovery, needs to be dealt with. […]
In this context, you may understand why I am 100% satisfied with that which we have been able to achieve so far, and the narrative continues. Monika’s transition from Prisoner to Fugitive, my continued incarceration and the incredible opportunities this provided me. Long and detailed seminar with an Audi Executive, who is also a political prisoner. Now Audi Board of Directors know full well how the jews are squeezing German corporations like a lemon for all their worth, like Munich by Larry Jew mass murder Silverstein after he publicly admitted his role in 9/11. Munich illegally paid him billions after his rule in jew False Flag attack on 9/11. Audi knows and millions of people know, but all the Jew media applauds the villains as heroes. […]
JFH Reuben understands that very clearly and it is people like him, who are beacons of light and hope. And the zombies and Jews threaten to murder him. How pathetic is that!!! They closed down his work!!!
Back to why I am happy with our progress. They have amplified our work phenomenally. That is an example of “feedback loops” that are typical in an organic healing process like this one. Everything they do now expedites the awakening. You ought to hear the people in this prison. Especially the Russians. They want to (deal) with the disease NOW. Not tomorrow, but now. I sound like a church choir boy compared to them. The energy in these emotions is growing like a well-fertilized garden in the spring. This is the energy that will fuel and drive the healing.
Monika sent me a long letter which was her speech in the U.S. What an amazing speech. She really is driving this well. None of that would have been possible had they not provided us with that hilarious MUPPET SHOW An entire panel of jews dressed up like ‘judges.’ I seldom laughed as hard as I did when they spewed out their ‘verdict.’ And then they provided me with the golden opportunity to have private education sessions, many 60 and 90 minutes with an Audi Board of Directors member. Do you think that would have happened had they not gone after us? No chance. I’ve always said (it might sound arrogant, but I don’t care): “If I were not me, I would much rather be my friend than my enemy.” The entire White race needs to be saying that now. Get on our feet, get the job done, and after we get the job done we can be nice and friendly and trusting again.
Have you guys got any idea how Oliver Brexit Party Brythonic is doing? He did such amazingly good work in the short time before the kikes nuked him.
I got a wonderful letter from JFH and I replied. I so wish he could be on a panel to take any and all questions. They could shoot us afterward if our work was unsatisfactory. When I see any of the ‘western leaders’, it makes me ill that we could fall that low. All bitches and lesbians and jews. Not one man. Little faggot Trudeau, with his Somali Negro immigration minister. That is the absolute low point in Canada’s history. Trump has got to come clean of his jews or he will not survive.
I could write about 6 million pages about all this stuff, but I’ll close off now. Never in my life did I think I would find myself in such an extremely polarized situation. We see the Rothschild administrators dissolving before our eyes. The people want to kill them, that is how much they are hated. The people feel like the administrators are taking their sh** and smearing it in our faces. That’s good, because they will not take it any longer.
Best Regards, Alfred Schaefer
Great news! I hadn’t heard Monica was out, I’m glad she’s free.
Monika and Alfred are heroes! May they live forever!