Manifest Destiny #34: Relic Hunting & The New Calendar

This week we review the Volkish Calendar and close with a segment on NS collector notes.

1 thought on “Manifest Destiny #34: Relic Hunting & The New Calendar

  1. Great show, loved the calendar idea. For further cogitation, the Asatru book by McNallen has a lot of holidays, and also Varg’s Myfarog ruleset has a whole alternate calendar system with holidays. April 20 should certainly be celebrated.
    Finally, the AFA has a Day of Rememberance on the 9th of every month, and Odin World Prayer Day is also every 9th. It’s taken me about a year, but I’m kind of into it now. I read up on the honored person, and try to buy a history book about them, or do something inspired by their example.
    I’ll probably never do it, but a spreadsheet of NS major figures and their birth and death dates would be helpful for repurposing the existing holiday schedule. Anyway, awesome show. Thanks!

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