Two professions are to be entrusted with the education of the youth above all: The teacher and the officer. The priests die out. They have alienated the youth from the folk. Leaders will replace them. Not God’s representatives, rather the best Germans. The youth who in school and in the armed forces is trained to become a selfless, glowing fighter for his folk must not again be alienated from his folk by a narrow-minded, world-alien priesthood.

And if today a number of pastors preach faith in Germany and affirmation of heroism, then they do not represent a new, purer Christianity, rather only take the first step toward departure from oriental dogma. They are anything else but good Christians, as which they present themselves and as which they are considered. For how can a preacher of rebellion against blood and against nature preach of the folk as a God-desired unity? Christianity as well will perish from insufficient knowledge of the laws of race and of nature. It has bypassed what is most divine.

How should we raise our children?

So as if they had never heard anything about Christianity. We want to lead them out into nature and show them God’s wonders. We want to teach them out in nature and show them God’s wonders. We want to teach them our sacred history and awaken in them the pride and the consciousness of being sons of a glorious folk. Then their pure heart alone will point them to the right faith. We must have the courage to begin with that.

For that it will be necessary that we come together in communities of faith. Not in order to desecrate and shout, rather to win, to inspire, to deepen souls. Not to deny, rather to awaken and build up. The wellsprings of our strength lie in the fountain of our eternal folk, which never runs dry. It is so powerful and rich that we can do without the foreign and weak. Old wisdom and kindness will then join with new, young energy. From that custom will emerge for us what is fitting to our hearts. But no new forms should restrict our faith. New life and new deed will grow from it. 

Our community will not concern itself with dogmatic quarrels and theological debates. It will raise the treasures of the past from the depths in order to lift our spirits with their truth and greatness. It will elevate love for Germany and loyalty to the Führer to beacon and declare to us courageous struggle as duty. It will teach us to see events around us not from the standpoint of a rigid, cold dogmatism, rather form nature and blood. Basically, it will do nothing else than to make all of us fanatical National Socialists and Germans. If we are that, then we are simultaneously religious, without church and without priests. Hence the creation of a new piety is the question of the education of new man.

An equally healthy and painless path.

That we will not be understood by many must never make us waver. All revolutions have been the work of heretics. In the process, we should not wait for orders from above. For the state cannot command its citizens their faith. It can only confirm the existence of a new religious yearning and the uniform will of all for it. But if the hearts of an entire folk beat in a new rhythm of faith, then human will always finds a way to also give this faith the form fitting to it. For without living content the form becomes phrase.

To bring about that great day of religious unification should be our task from this hour on. It will not be the work of gabbers and writers, rather the fulfilment of the yearning of millions, whose heart hurts, when they think about German religious discord, and who have devoted themselves with every fiber of their being to the divine command:


excerpted from God and Folk – Soldierly Affirmation by Hans Blöthner. Translated from the Third Reich original which was published by the Theodor Fritsch Verlang in Berlin. 

3 thoughts on “How Should We Raise Our Children?

  1. What is that picture? I have never seen BDM uniforms that look like that, and that girls shoos in the bottom left corner look like Vans, not the moccasin like shoos any of the Third Reich girl groups would ware. It also looks like a modern picture just made very lo-res. I’m sure I’m wrong, but it seem as if that is not a picture from 1930s Germany.

    Could someone pleas explain?

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