Recently members of Volkish came together and staked a claim in what will some day be a province of the greater North American Volk State (NAVS).

All great creations start small and unnoticed. And every man made thing in the world was once just a thought that passed through a mind.

We must be satisfied with beginnings now. Before the flood comes and the waves crash, swells accumulate out in the open ocean. Yes, we are at sea. We are gathering strength and mass beyond the sight of the shore crowds. When will we make land? Only the Gods can say.

4 thoughts on “Volk-Gathering

  1. I’m very interested in finding others, other volkish people to build friendships and community with. Please email or telegram me @whiteelevated

    1. Volkism can no longer be taken as some theoretical ideal that we all go on larping about. I have taken in mountains of data in the last 2 years, more than most will in a lifetime. I think this is what many people mistake as prophecy when someone is able to project an accurate picture of the future based on a very solid understanding of past and present. Most people’s time horizons are extremely short. If impending doom is not staring them directly in the face, they will do nothing to change their situation. I think many of us here can see the future. I think we understand the urgency of building kith and kin. Going into the future, those bonds will have to be stronger than anything the modern world is offering. As AH admonished the German people, so it is with us, we are going to have to learn to care the others of our tribes above that of ourselves. Teaching this kind of sacrifice to modern individuals will be our greatest task.

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