Some Kind Of Aryanism
post by Landsknecht
In my opinion, it’s not a matter of simply living in a whites-only neighborhood. We already have that in a lot of places, but they are all drowning in browns sooner or later because they are too weak. Being white needs to be consciously lived and celebrated on a daily basis. We need a racial religion. I’m thinking honor-killing levels of fanaticism.
We need our people to wake up every morning with their first thought being “I am white, and I am a member of the white race,” and they need to think the same when they go to sleep. I’m afraid that as soon as people of an “ethnostate” stop thinking in those terms constantly, the shit ride will start anew. And only a religion can ensure this type of commitment.
I like to believe that we Europeans at one point had a religion like that. Way back before the “diaspora”. When it didn’t even occur to us that anyone non-white is even the same species. I’m open to the idea that the jews, once again, stole this concept from us.
I don’t know what flavor of Christian you are, but I’ve read some interesting ideas about Jesus being an Aryan figure from antediluvian times whose exact mission was to bring Aryans (the sons of god, not the sons of men = beasts of the field) to their senses ie. a racial awakening.
It must be a true revolution, an entire worldview transformation & all the things that come from that, not merely a change of hats or a simple removal of non whites. This is why its so vital to recognize our own failings as contributing factors in our current predicament. The jew & other non whites are as much symptom as cause.
We must become new Aryans.
“…I don’t know what flavor of Christian you are, but I’ve read some interesting ideas about Jesus being an Aryan figure..”
Right, “real” Christianity. Hasn’t been tried yet.
The Christian Identity ppl have all sort of “interesting” ideas and so do the Jews themselves. Let’s induldge in some Kaballah.
Jesus or Yeshua son of Jewish deity Yahweh didnt seem to actually exist irl on this plan-net (i wasnt there so idk for certain, was raised in the Jewish psyop trojan horse of christianity). I’ve read insane theories that Jews supposedly “hate” Christ-cuckoldry (yet mysteriously dont teach about how it destroyed world of antiquity anymore than they teach about 1917) because the tribe was supposedly almost undone by Christianity.
The hateful to all humanity Jews were said to have converted in droves not as a way to kike us but out of wanting to fight Satan to luv all humans…or some incoherent gibberish. Read that on TRS several years ago…yet another “anti Jewish Christian” slant, ignores what has happened & the warnings of Hadrian The Great, & a few other things.
The biological Jews posing as Christian bishops destroyed everything regardless so we have what we have left from back then. Shapeshifters.
In table talk Hitler apparently entertained the idea that Jesus was an Aryan…and that wouldnt mean its true of course, but it was also before more open research into the historicicity of Yeshua the not Jew who called himself rabbi & said he came to uphold Jewish law/torah was done in depth that concluded he never existed.
To clarify
> Right, “real” Christianity. Hasn’t been tried yet.
This is not the point here, of course. This is a very condensed version of my thoughts and I understand how this could be easily misinterpreted. I am not trying to make the argument that the jew Jesus (who might not even have existed at that time in that place) was an Aryan. As we all know, Christianity is an amalgamation of various different beliefs, stories, myths. What I’m saying is that some scholars, researchers or eccentrics have argued that some aspects of the Jesus figure can be attributed to an Aryan man who lived much earlier and who went on a mission to save his folk (the Aryans).
The rough argument is that indeed Christianity borrows a few things from Aryan folklore and religion, but is of course heavily bastardized and distorted. This was done so that Aryans would adopt it. They wouldn’t as easily adopt a brand new jew-made religion that is utterly foreign to their existing beliefs, so what they did was hijack something that was already somewhat familiar among Aryans.
The question is why did European (re)discoverers of the Americas find remnants of “Christian” symbols, beliefs and rituals among the natives? The answer is likely that thousands of years earlier Aryans have already visited those places and left them. Long before a jewish Jesus or the bible.
But of course I would not call whatever tradition and religion that was “Christianity” or even “proto-Christianity” because that is just muddying the waters. I would rather call it an early form of Aryan Paganism! And if such an Aryan “Jesus” figure existed in those times he would have been an Aryan Priest or Druid. The modern invented jew Jesus figure is but a distorted, pathetic version of that.
But let’s not get hung up on that thought experiment.