We Know The True American Type And We Know The Liberal
The early American arrived at a land of which he knew nothing. He did not know its geography, its fertility, its climate, its dangers. In the North, he encountered forests, rocky soil, and winters of a rigor he had not known before. In the South, he met with swamps, malaria, and dense forests. Everywhere he encountered the hostile savage with his scalping knife and his warfare against women and children. In little groups, these early Americans cleared the forests, and built homes and forts. The men plowed the fields with rifles slung over their shoulders, and in the house, the wife went about her duties with a loaded weapon near at hand. There were ships to and from Europe, and the colonials could have left their hardship and gone back—but they would not admit defeat.
No nation has produced individual soldiers to excel Nathanial Greene, General Knox, General Sullivan, John Stark, Nicholas Herkimer, Anthony Wayne, Daniel Morgan, John Paul Jones, nor greater patriots than John Dickinson, Richard Henry Lee, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Rutledge. These are but a few. The spirit which animated these heroes is part of the white race, and it will last while this race lasts. It waits for its reawakening upon the coming of great events to American soil once more. When the fields of this continent are visited once again by the stern creativeness of war—war for the independence and the liberation of the pristine American colonial spirit—the world shall see that Americans are not the weak -willed, self-interested, pleasure-mad morons that Hollywood has tried so desperately to make them.
It was the individual imperialism of the frontiersman-type that actually opened up and conquered the North American continent. Explorers like George Rodgers Clark and John Fremont preceded the frontiersman into the wilderness, and he followed into the hostile land with its lurking warlike savages. With slung rifle he took wife and children and all his earthly belongings into the land ahead, unknown, unsettled, unplowed. Daily he surmounted a thousand dangers, he lived in the face of Death. This intrepid type who was at once explorer, warrior, minister, doctor, judge, and settler, advanced until he reached the Pacific, and then he looked toward Alaska and the western islands.
The tragic defeat of the Federalists by the less worthy among the post-Revolution generation made it possible for sectionalism to arise in America, and out of sectionalism issued the disastrous “War Between the States.” That war proved only that the heroic type of American occurred everywhere in this broad land. The only lesson we can learn from the sacrifice is that big-mouthed agitators of the vicious stamp of Theodore Parker and Horace Greeley are capable of consigning nations to the flames in order to actualize their fantastic equalitarian theories.
During the conquest of the continent, small carping voices were continually raised against the heroic performance. Congressman laughed at the idea of governing a region so far and away as the distant Pacific coast. The Poets Lowell and Whittier and the agitators Garrison and Philips did their best to bring about a sectional war during all of the 1840s and 50s. Calhoun’s attempt to annex Texas was defeated by the Congress. Small minds were against the Mexican War and the acquisition of the Southwest. They opposed the acquisition of Hawaii, of the Philippines, of the Cuban protectorate. After the War Between the States, this type of mind, represented by men like Sumner and Stevens, wanted to treat the Southerners as an alien and inferior people and to gloat over them while placing the conqueror’s foot on their necks.
This type of mentality still survives in America. Today it still fights against greatness and heroism. Today it teaches the doctrine of liberalism with its pacifism, its love for the inferior and misbegotten, its internationalism which makes a virtue out of treason, its hatred of all who possess strong national feelings, its toothless desire for racial equality, and its tolerance of everything and everyone, particularly the alien and the unfit. Today this type of mind—namely, all those to whom liberal doctrines appeal—are working for the anti-American forces, whether consciously or not. The sub-Americans are in the service of America’s inner enemy.
We have seen the spirit of the white race: the spirit of divine discontent and self-help, the spirit of self-reliance, of fearlessness in the face of great danger, the feeling of racial superiority, the urge to great distances and the will to conquer all that lies between, the spirit of the Alamo. To the true American, his is a living, organic, white nation, and not a set of principles, of “four freedoms,” or a “world policeman.” Of this feeling was every great American: Washington, Hamilton, Henry Clay, Robert E. Lee, Sam Houston. The American soldier shows in every war that even today this true American type survives.
But today the true Americans, the former great leaders, have been displaced by the Morgenthaus, Ezekiels, Pasvolskys, Cohens, Frankfurters, Goldsmiths, Lubins, Berles, Schenks, Edelstiens, Baruchs, Goldwyns, Mayers, Strausses, Lilienthals, Hillmans, Rosenmans, Lehmanns, Rosenbergs, Eisenhowers.
We know the true American type, and we know the liberal—the sub-type within the white race. Let us now look at the third group which came here only yesterday, and which today is linked with the liberals, the internationalists, the class-warriors, the subverters of America’s white, European traditions. This group makes use of American slogans and American ideas, but that cannot conceal its alien provenance. Let us measure the significance of the newcomers and examine their history.
-excerpted from “The Destiny of America” (1955) a part of the collection entitled World in Flames by Francis Parker Yockey, edited by Kerry Bolton and John Morgan (2020)
A very good read , The true American type versus the liberal .