Original Myth Of Amerika
Post by Mitchell
The Amerikaner Volk first established itself on the North American continent over 400 years ago; however, the most significant development of our history is the creation of the United States. Before Americans identified their national mythos with the myth of the holocaust, we tied our identity irrevocably to the American Revolution. Boomers incessantly laud the Revolution as a triumph of democracy and egalitarianism, but an austere analysis reveals a deep Volkish sentiment. “Taxation without Representation” became the Revolution’s most lasting slogan, but “If this be treason make the most of it” expresses the ambition of the Amerikaner for his own empire and system.
Modern thinkers forget the popularity of the British empire after the victory in 1763; Amerikans happily bought British goods, drank to the King’s health, and considered themselves members of an increasingly global English race. We were the racial kin of the British, but a rotting jewish corporate sentiment festered within the British elite. While Amerikans aspired to the old English ideal of the citizen soldier and common land ownership, the worship of profit dominated the British elite who ruled over the poor masses without a sense of kinship or duty.
Consequently, the Motherland abused the trust of the colonials and relations quickly soured. The Empire limited Amerikan expansion into the Appalachians, granted Ohio to French Canada, and imposed stringent economic control over the colonies. Significantly, the British infringed upon Amerikan trade, which had flourished without oversight (or official recognition) for many years. Worst of all, the British brought in the British East India Company to monopolize Amerikan trade. As if control of India was not enough for the corporate slavers, they sought to turn our Atlantic coast into an urban slum. Thus, by land and sea, British interests surrounded and threatened to consume Amerika and force upon her permanent economic dependency. Faced with becoming urban serfs to a foreign corporation, cut off from land and expansion, Amerika revolted for Empire and the manifestation of the VOLK westward.
Instead of submitting to coastal stagnation and maritime dependency, Amerikaners fought ruthlessly. They invented a form of guerilla war based on rapid maneuver through rough colonial terrain. They shot the British commanders from their horses, brutally murdered the enemy officials, and fought savage battles without enough ammunition. The most serious engagements were with the local loyalists, men who felt their kinship more with Britain than with this new land. The harsh wilderness hardened the Amerikan man; sympathy of common origin altered little in his attitudes and actions against Loyalists. Between the loyalist and the patriot, a dichotomy of archetype existed: the patriot believed in his own strength, his future, and his mastery over races such as the Negro and the Indian, while the loyalist contented himself with inferiority to a foreign government and king. No peace could exist between such opposed archetypes. In the end, the Amerikans drove out the loyalists who fled to Canada (along with the negro slaves armed by the British). The Amerikaners established themselves as a fighting people—a frontier race who would take from the Africans and Skraelings whatever his strength would allow.
Viewed through a Volkish understanding of history, the Amerikan Revolution reveals a people in rebellion against jewish interests. A people who might not have recognized the jewish machinations behind the King and parliament, but that nevertheless recoiled in revulsion and built a more Volkish and agrarian society. Yet time has eroded this dream of our forefathers, and the modern American suffers travesties that are nearly identical to those felt by his colonial kin in time past. We are being urbanized, economically strangled, and depressed in social status. We are subject to corporate power, and our territory shrinks to accommodate an invasion of alien hominids. The situation cannot be left as it is now. We must decide how we are going to regain our power and position this decade, or we are passing the violence and oppression onto our own children.
“The fact remains, however, that the British-Israel is to establish a world state with a David as King, and the capital of this state, according to their own publications, is to be Jerusalem.”
— Remarks of Hon. J. THORKELSON in the Congressional Record for Tuesday, September 3, 1940.
see the Congressional record here, a must read: https://archive.org/details/CongressionalRecordRegardingBritish-khazarZionistWorldGovernmentAndTha