Manifest Destiny Show 61: Simpson’s Credo

Last Which Way Western Man show. Simpson’s final words on Juden and recommendations for rebirth.

3 thoughts on “Manifest Destiny Show 61: Simpson’s Credo

  1. Long comment

    First on racial phenotypes: Madison Grant noted that people from the British Isles and Ireland are on average “mostly Nordic”. That makes Jake if he’s Scottish Irish looking mostly Nordic.

    William Pierce also said the Media was the determining factor over the jews control of central banking in destroying our people. I didn’t see it at first but now I understand the war of ideas is much more powerful than money at controlling people, our people.

    It is a Spiritual War. A spiritually defeated or suppressed people cannot defeat the jews. Our people being majority Christian, a made up Jewish religion cannot defeat the jews. William Pierce the most serious white leader in America after George Lincoln Rockwell tried to create a new religion Cosmotheism to deal with this spiritual problem among Aryan people. This did not succeed. Carl Jung (even though he’s a traitor) noted that Hitler was the personification of Odin for the German people. Our people must return to the their ancient religion(s) and shake off this false jewish created God to survive.

    “The gods are without doubt personifications of psychic forces..”

    And when one is possessed by such a god there is not much one can do about it and in the case of Wotan we’re talking about a fundamental attribute of the German psyche.

    “The multiplicity of the gods equals the multiplicity of men. Countless gods are waiting to become men. Countless gods have already been men. Man is a partaker of the essence of the gods; he comes from the gods and he goes to God.” –Carl Jung

    Franz Von Stuck picture predicted Hitler in “The Wild Chase”. He also painted another picture that most likely predicts the next God or Demi-God to rise among Aryan people in “The Wild Hunt”.

    In conclusion good show.

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