h/t to Muttwilliams for making these texts available here

We have always stressed the undeniable fact that National Socialist Germany was actually a great Folk-community, and that National Socialism, whether in power or during the political struggle, was and is based entirely on the existence of a Folk-community. The primary political priority of National Socialism was to nurture and strengthen a Folk-consciousness in the existing German Folk-community. It was this support base of a Folk-conscious community which allowed Adolf Hitler to come to power, and thereafter, to bring about the great social and economic changes necessary to preserve and elevate the German Folk. Without Folk-consciousness and the Folk-community, these changes would not have been possible.

However, we must all understand that this country is very different from our European Fatherlands. Its initial Aryan immigrants were malcontents, individualists, and religious fanatics. They came from a variety of different European Folk-communities, and most of them spurned the heritage and Folkish values of their Fatherlands. They immigrated here for purely personal interests, and the philosophy of life they passed on to their heirs was one of personal acquisition and aggrandizement. Hence, there has never been very much Folk-consciousness here, and because of its personalized, individualistic heritage, this country has always been ripe for social manipulation by those with selfish interests.

In such a “land without a soul” there was never much hope for keeping non-Aryans immigrants out of the country. They were, of course, attracted here for the same reason: personal gain. The non-Aryan immigrants arrived with some of their own ethnic Folk-consciousness, and, mainly because of their position as a minority in the midst of so many Aryans, this developed much more than that of their Aryan predecessors. Today, non-Aryan influence is so powerful that non-Aryans are given priority for immigration.

A great social disaster is at hand for the Aryan heirs of this land. But it should be understood that this came about only partially because of weak, selfish, or corrupt leaders and the connivance of non-Aryan political organizations. The primary responsibility of the forthcoming social disaster is with the complete lack of Folk-consciousness among the Aryan heirs.

Adolf Hitler pointed out in Mein Kampf that idealism was the primary factor which created great cultures and civilizations, and that egoism was the primary factor which destroyed cultures and civilizations. In turn, we have stressed how egoism—the root of all selfishness—is responsible for so very many of the social and economic problems today (as well as the problems within the White racial movement). We have also done our best to illustrate how idealism sustains and preserves the Folk. As with National Socialist Germany, a true Folk-community is based not at all on personal gain. It is based on Folk-consciousness (the ultimate in idealism), that is, placing the welfare of the community before all personal interests. Here we must point out that many people believe that idealism or Folk-consciousness is simply being racially aware, and at most being a racial activist. It is not! It takes little observation to see that the White racial movement is full of people who are racially aware, but who conduct their lives exclusively for themselves. No, Folk-consciousness is a great deal more than racial awareness. It is an all-pervading consciousness wherein everything—one’s job, marriage, raising one’s children, building a house, starting a business, even eating, drinking, and dressing—is done with the consciousness of enhancing, preserving and elevating one’s Folk. This, and only this, is Folk-consciousness.

The power of Folk-consciousness in preserving and elevating the Folk can be seen in any true Folk-community. The Amish are a good example. They shun all personal acknowledgment, seeing it as egoism, and surrender their whole lives to the community. Their entire consciousness is circumscribed to the welfare of the community, which is, in fact, their religion. Now, the Amish could hardly be said to be racists. There is little doubt that they would be very happy to open their membership to Negroes, Latinos, Asians, or whoever. However, so far as I know, none have applied for membership. Non-Aryan immigrants are coming to this country strictly for personal gain. Hence, the life-style of the Amish—based exclusively on idealism while shunning egoism and personal gain—has no appeal to them.

The Amish community is not the only example. Probably the largest and most successful intentional community is a spiritual community in California which was founded in the late 1960s. The founder is a highly evolved individual who has prophesied that the future social structure of this country will be Folk-communities. There are several hundred residents, and like the Amish, their community is based completely on idealism while rejecting egoism. Even though they live quite comfortably, personal gain is discouraged and welfare is seriously frowned upon. Much of their time is spent in volunteer work for the benefit of the community and their religious ideals. They are all very politically correct, and they would like their community to be as multi-racial as possible. However, the overwhelming majority of them are lily White, and they have never been able to attract a significant number of non-Whites.

From these examples, we can see pretty clearly that a true Folk-community, racially conscious or not, eliminates the growing social problems we face today in this country. Idealism does not attract those who are after personal gain. Today’s Non-Aryan immigrants are hardy coming to this country for the honor of becoming an “American”. They come here for one reason and one reason only: personal gain! If this country offered no possibility of personal gain and instead required an ample amount of selfless service, then there would be few, if any, immigrants. Let’s face it, we wouldn’t need immigration laws if this country were an Aryan Folk-community which offered no welfare, and employers would not consider hiring others so long as their own Folk were available. Other than those who felt a strong spiritual bond, none would be interested in immigrating here. Our problem today is one of consciousness, not laws and corrupt leaders. The effortless growth and preservation of existing Folk-communities in the mist of this disintegrating country have clearly demonstrated the cosmic truth in Adolf Hitler’s words: “As soon as egoism becomes the ruler of a Folk, the bands of order are loosened, and in the chase after their own happiness men fall from heaven into a real hell.” In the chase after personal gain and self-aggrandizement, the Aryan heirs to this country are indeed falling into a real hell of violence, chaos, and degeneration. But those who have embraced idealism and have banded together as a community are escaping—and, like National Socialist Germany, showing us all a glimpse of the future.

The Folk-community is not just an ideal or a philosophy. It is a law of Nature. Within one’s own Folk-community is the proper ecological place for each and every human being. The massive problems of today exist only because mankind is completely out of his natural environment. The dark age consciousness of selfishness and materialism has driven him from it. Our only salvation is simply to return to the immutable laws of Nature—return to the Folk-community and Folk-consciousness. This was and is National Socialism, and this is what must be done to preserve our Folk and race.

While we advocate a back-to-the-land movement for Aryans relocation to a natural environment away from the degenerate urban cesspools—we must nevertheless point out that a Folk-community is first and foremost a state of consciousness. Two or more Folk-conscious Aryan families, even in the midst of a multi-racial concrete jungle, can be every bit as much of a Folk-community as the Amish—and perhaps even more! It is all a matter of the degree of idealism, will, and cooperative spirit. An underground community, even in a hostile racial environment, can foster a fanaticism which will insure that one day they will have a homeland of their own. The details will vary with the ingenuity of the community members.

This massive immigration of non-Aryans into this country may very well be a blessing in disguise. The legacy of our Forefather’s lack of Folk-consciousness has planted and fertilized the field of our destruction. But this rapid influx of non-Aryan immigrants—often hostile to us—and the massive social and economic upheaval which it guarantees could easily be a sobering factor which forces those of us with a true Aryan spirit to live and work together for the common cause of our very survival. This great social upheaval may finally foster within us that idealistic spirit necessary not only for survival, but for any upward evolution.

Political or revolutionary activism without the support base of a Folk-community is pure fantasy. It may sell newsletters, fantasy memberships, books, and stickers, while making paltry businessmen out of has-been word smiths, race haters, and social outcasts. But, as we have seen with the blatantly dismal track record of the post- 1945 White racial movement, such fantasy activism is going absolutely nowhere. Like Adolf Hitler before us, we must begin with reality. We must first build a strong, dauntless foundation of a Folk-community—and we must begin in our own neighborhood with our very own neighbors. This is, of course, not the sort of thing which will get us invited on the Donahue show, sell stickers, nor get us donations to buy retirement property. But it is the only thing that will counter the dark age forces of degeneration which threaten the existence of our children.

-Jost Turner

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