Send Us Your Questions Again

Volkish Readers,

Our next show will be another Q & A show. We did our first one two years ago. This next one will work the same way; if you have any questions about books or topics we have covered or just want us to speculate about something you have been thinking about this is your chance. Depending how much of a response we get, it may have to be a two parter. But rest assured all “appropriate” questions will be answered.

So please send in a question or two to me by email ( or post it below in the comments.

26 thoughts on “Send Us Your Questions Again

    1. Impossible because National Socialism stands on Christian foundations. Counterintuitive for someone that doesn’t know much about Christianity or hasn’t read the Bible, but it’s true. Anyway, interested to see how the panel responds to this.

      1. National Socialism is Deist.
        ‘Man must never fall into the insanity of thinking that he was meant to become lord & master of nature, which a half-education has helped to encourage. Man must realize the fundamental necessity of nature’s rule, & realize that his existence is subject to the law of eternal strife & upward struggle. He will then feel that there cannot be a separate law for mankind in a universe in which planets orbit suns, moons orbit planets, & where the strong are always the masters of the weak – subjecting them to such laws, or crushing them. Man must submit to the eternal principles of this supreme wisdom. He may try to understand them, but he can never free himself from their sway.’
        Mein Kampf.
        This is pure Deism. Christianity rejects this in favor of a set of special rules for men from God.
        Christianity is not Deist.
        National Socialism is Deist.
        Christianity is not National Socialist.

        1. It’s not. But congratulations on pulling a random quote from Mein Kampf. Please see Book I Chapter XI, which deals principally with Idealism, and which Hitler ultimately ties to Christianity. To quote:

          “This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture…In giving one’s own life for the existence of the community lies the crown of all sense of sacrifice. It is this alone that prevents what human hands have built from being overthrown by human hands or destroyed by Nature.
          Our own German language possesses a word which magnificently designates this kind of activity: Pflichterfüllung (fulfillment of duty); it means not to be self-sufficient but to serve the community.
          The basic attitude form which such activity arises, we call—to distinguish it from egoism and selfishness—idealism.”

          This is Christianity. Interested readers can continue along in the chapter to see how Hitler ties this in with Christianity, which he mentions explicitly.

          Mein Kampf is not an anti-Christian book. The quotation above proves it, as does Hitler’s repeated use of the word “Providence” for the divine. A word which categorically RULES OUT deism.

          National Socialism is not Deist.

          National Socialism stands on Christian foundations.

          1. ‘But congratulations on pulling a random quote from Mein Kampf.’
            Proceeds to pull a random quotation from Mein Kamph . . .
            Christianity has no monopoly on teamwork, self sacrifice or providence. Nothing in your reply indicates Christianity.
            Mein Kamph isn’t anti-christian its non-christian, a subtle but important difference.
            I noticed you didn’t address the issue of a separate set of laws for men over nature that Hitler specifically rejects & that directly contradicts Christianity.
            I sent u nudes plz respond

          2. I still haven’t given up on the concept of randomness. Until the universe can be accurately measured in size and history, randomness cannot be ruled out. I don’t think a “being” of any type can be exclusively credited for things being as they are.

          3. Response to “O rly” (August 29, 2024 at 8:58 pm)

            My quotation supports a valid thesis. OP’s doesn’t. So, no. Not the same. Also, I could’ve picked from a wide array of sources with the same effect, but I have no problem sticking to Hitler. I meet people where they are.

            Christianity actually speaks to all three of those in deeper and more profound ways than anything else in the world.

            That is why our ancestors became Christians.
            That is why they stayed Christians.

            “I noticed you didn’t address the issue of a separate set of laws for men over nature that Hitler specifically rejects”

            Firstly, my entire reply was addressing that issue, with a direct quote from Hitler, in which he affirms a higher law. Second, have you ever seen the Laws on the State for Germany from 33-45? What was Hitler’s relation to them? What did they say? Was it “do whatever animals do”?

            “& that directly contradicts Christianity.”

            Does it though? Do you think there have been any Christians in the last two thousand years that have ever thought about this?

          4. Response to “daddydoos1” (August 30, 2024 at 5:23 am)

            Israeli reply spam bots have made it to the comments section. Amazing.

          5. (replying here because it wouldn’t let me do so directly to your later post, lol)
            Christianity actually speaks to all three of those in deeper and more profound ways than anything else in the world.
            – No it doesn’t. Only Natural Law & thus National Socialism does that. Christianity only makes an attempt.

            “I noticed you didn’t address the issue of a separate set of laws for men over nature that Hitler specifically rejects” Firstly, my entire reply was addressing that issue, with a direct quote from Hitler, in which he affirms a higher law.
            – Natural Law is the will of any God that may exist. Natural Law IS higher law. Higher than men. Higher than the bible. Higher than an image of God that does not match the universe God is supposed to have created.

            “do whatever animals do”?
            – Natural Law isn’t ‘do whatever animals do’. Natural Laws are the fundamental truths of existence. Nature is the emergent phenomena that arise from the interaction of these Natural Laws. Nature is the living manifestation of the will of God. Both you & Christianity reject this & as a result are wrong. National Socialism embraces Natural Law , by observing & internalizing its principles we do right.

            “& that directly contradicts Christianity.” Does it though? Do you think there have been any Christians in the last two thousand years that have ever thought about this?
            – Yes. They struggled with the cognitive dissonance between their image of God & reality. They named this ‘ the problem of evil’ & invented devils etc… to cope. At its core Christianity rejects the universe it claims is the creation of its God. You have to reconcile your image of God with reality. But there can be no contradiction between God & reality thus the Christian God is wrong & Christianity in its core worldview is wrong. National Socialism it the opposite of this, we embrace the universe as the manifestation of the truth. Their is no cognitive dissonance for us. No problem of evil. No petty human image of God. No theistic sophistry.

            Read this again:
            ‘Man must never fall into the insanity of thinking that he was meant to
            become lord and master of nature, which a half-education has helped to
            encourage. Man must realize the fundamental necessity of nature’s rule, and
            realize that his existence is subject to the law of eternal strife and upward
            struggle. He will then feel that there cannot be a separate law for mankind in a
            universe in which planets orbit suns, moons orbit planets, and where the strong
            are always the masters of the weak-subjecting them to such laws, or crushing
            them. Man must submit to the eternal principles of this supreme wisdom. He
            may try to understand them, but he can never free himself from their sway.’
            Mein Kampf

            National Socialism is Deist, why aren’t you?

          6. Response to “Phil McKracken” (September 6, 2024 at 9:24 pm)

            Yes it does. Also I think you’re confused on what Natural Law actually is. It runs the breadth of Western philosophical and religious (read: Christian) thought, and received its definitive elaboration by one very famous Christian. In his treatise, this individual notes that there are four types of law—eternal, natural, human, and divine—and that they all relate to one another. Natural law is our tendency towards very basic things, like the will to preserve our lives. As rational beings, we also have the tendency to want to know the truth about God, and live in community. In this way the soul is naturally open to meeting with God, which can only be done supernaturally. Through revelation. That revelation is Jesus Christ.

            Your standpoint it not “Natural Law”. Your standpoint, broadly, is “Naturalism”, which is different. So with that in mind, does National Socialism embrace Natural Law? Yes it does.

            Does National Socialism embrace, what you meant to say—Naturalism, materialism? Absolutely not. See Point 24 of the Party Platform.

            To your fourth point, I simply leave this:

            “the gifts of grace are conferred on nature in such a way that they do not destroy but rather perfect it.”

          7. To your reply Sept 8th:
            You have inadvertently demonstrated the point that Christianity has a cognitive dissonance between reality & its image of God. If your understanding of National Socialism is based on Christianity you miss its core truth. You can still be a good person & a form of National Socialist, but you miss its deeper truth.
            We are still on the same side however so that’s ok. High fives all round.

          8. Response to “Tobey Maguire” (September 28, 2024 at 8:53 pm)

            I think I’ll live for God, thanks.

            Matt. 4:4

        2. Response to “Its Me Again, lol” (September 11, 2024 at 9:15 pm)

          “You have inadvertently demonstrated the point that Christianity has a cognitive dissonance between reality & its image of God.”

          Really? How?

          1. Why should men require values that supersede the universe? If God exists then God made it this way. If God does not exist it is still this way. Embrace the universe & its Natural Laws or get out of the way . . .

  1. Will genetic engineering via CRISPR and other means such as iterative embryo selection be embraced by a more practical regime/race such as Han Chinese to enhance and rapidly improve their populations and force the West to follow suit or be forever left behind, or do you forsee them maintaining the status quo or have the gene pool decline until humanity goes extinct?

  2. Hello Volkish, I would like to have two questions.
    1) What are your thoughts on Schopenhauer’s philosophy?
    2) Who was the better philosopher Nietzsche or Schopenhauer?

  3. Do you think there is an ideological, philosophical, cultural and so on difference between “Fascism” and “National Socialism” or is National Socialism simply the generally Germanic expression of Fascism?

  4. Thank you for allowing everyone to have a say in what topics you address. I would like to have a chat room where a topic like forming new white non-religious communities can be discussed, or at least shared by willing participants via email or phone.

  5. I would like to hear some spiritual discussion. At times I remember one of you guys talking about animism being the source of their beliefs and it sounded interesting. Also general thoughts on the religion to come / what seems to be ahead of the curve.

    Imo the spirit of paganism is good but not the reconstruction of exactly what came before. At this point the only authority i generally want to trust is my gut, using unverifiable personal gnosis. Devi talked about this I think. Nietzsche was the prophet of the overman and Hitler was the next step of that idea, but where is next in that development? Secretive Aryan mystery schools like Serranos ancient order of brahmins? What i have in mind goes beyond occult groups to something like the druids or the all-thing wĥere the law was carried out as well as spirituality and philosophy.Something that is resilient enough to survive what may be ahead and incognito enough to not get coopted by bad actors while explicitly supporting the race. Decentralized cells of white families quietly removing from the system could be another way but I dunno the prospects like the risk of getting waco’d

  6. Which IRL organizations do you guys support and why?

    Australia and the U.S seem to be doing well in terms of pro-White activity, and Britain has had the recent uprising against the invasion…Why do you think Canada seems to be lagging behind the rest of the Anglosphere?

  7. Hey lads,
    I thought I’d ask, how do you network and find irl folks? Not necessarily political movements but just people I can speak freely with. I think it’ll be necessary for those with racialist views to start grouping together.
    Big Swabian Salute to my favourite podcasters,

  8. What do you think about Dune?

    In light of the fertility dominance of Mormons and Amish, how do you see Volkish clans interacting with other whites in the future?

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