Manifest Destiny Show 107: Cabinets by Shabbos

This week we discuss Trump victory in the 2024 election and the prospects for his return to power next year.

6 thoughts on “Manifest Destiny Show 107: Cabinets by Shabbos

  1. I think the end of the US will be SA like, the birthrate situation is completely irreversible and will ultimately drown the US in a puddle of brown which is already the current rate. Permanent negative growth of whites, and further miscegenation % yearly is the only stat that matters. Next four years will be a realization once again that normalfags have no care about the future and we’re alone like we always were.

  2. I’m a long time Volkish listener and I think the view that you’ve presented here is important; we need to stay sober minded about our ultimate goals as white Americans and not conflate them with the more comfortable Zionist scraps being thrown to the goyim.

    However, I’ll readily admit that I’ve been supportive of Trump this election season. I’m also leading in setting up local organization that’s operating on implicit whiteness rather than explicit white organization typical of the cadre of our revolutionary forebears. I’m in a different part of the country. I’m also much younger and trying to get out there in a very different environment than you experienced in your day.

    What I see being the political fact of the day is a Trump (this is a Trumpian political era) whose personality, as significant as we all know his personality is, does not so much define the movement as the projection of the media and campaign politics onto his person the hopes and dreams of an immiserated American conscience. I think if Kamala Harris had won this last election than the political movement would have been crushed more thoroughly than any betrayal Trump himself could deliver would crush it because those dreams of his base would be denied any conclusion. There doesn’t seem to be any future politics in the United States aside from the managed decline of the regime except for what can be built in the next four years. While war rages amongst the regime factions over the fact of Donald Trump, a man who time will soon take away from us, we will be left to imagine what we may of him and his legacy.

    The situation on the ground is immensely good. People have become politically aware who never would have without Trump. The events since October 7 have led to nearly a mainstream understanding of Jewish nature. There is a metaphysical quality to the state of winning. Trump’s victory may not really be victory, but the feeling of the people for it matters more. Rejecting hope is maladaptive. By encouraging some feeling of attachment to Trump among the ranks, we gain some share of his success and all the associated gains in confidence and happiness in pursuit of our mission, which is in any case for the immediate term a fair deal for the deplorables of the American heartland who’ve begged too long to stand leaving empty handed from the door of the Orange, New York philosemite.

  3. I think Blake hits the nail on the head, things will be chaos. Good.

    “The Idea is worth any sacrifice, even the sacrifice of lives and property! Every disaster at Jena is followed by a victory at Leipzig.”

    – Dr. Goebbels

  4. Glad to hear you guys are aware of the situation we are in and did not fall for Trump 2.0. Its a little disheartening to see the amount of “white nationalists” who supported Trump this election and should know better. Its gonna be a hell of a ride as the US continues to decline and the boomers die off. Stay safe and hail victory!

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